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When to store, where to store, and when to throw out

13 years ago

I know we've talked about limited storage in small houses before, but I never bookmarked any of those threads before. This time I will.

Dd is decluttering and doing a pretty good job of it. Better than I am.

Tonight, dh put a box of stuff in front of me and asked me to find a home for it. (My new slogan is "everything has a home or out it goes") This is stuff he doesn't want to toss but doesn't have anywhere to put either. I've got a little stash of that kind of stuff myself and I just can't bring myself to toss some of it, even though I have looked everywhere and just can't find a place for it. Without a basement, and attics reaching over 150 degrees in the summer, those aren't really an option.

If your bedroom closets barely hold your clothes, you have no pantry, and your linen cabinet is stuffed, where do you put things? Feel free to list the things you have found a great place for, and things that stump you too.

My list:

1) Exercise equipment - the small things like hand weights are under the bathroom sink with the scales. Seemed like a good incentive to use them after taking a look at my weight. lol The bigger things like bike and treadmill we just got rid of. I'd rather pay a gym membership than walk around these things.

2) Shoe goo. This is a duplicate of another tube of the stuff that we couldn't remember where we put. Neither of us can think of a logical place for it.

3) Posterboard and matboard. It's big, floppy, won't stand up behind a door, gets dusty under the bed. A real pain. But nice to have when I need it.

4) Grandma's quilts. This is a real conundrum for me. I currently have them laid out on the spare bed. No fold lines, no sun on them. Nice. Until company comes and I have to put them some place. Aaack!

5) Sewing notions. I gave dd the desk I used for sewing, and now I have no drawers to put all those things like scissors, seam ripper, and even the bigger things like the embroidery hoop and interfacings.

6) Batteries. I put them in an over-the-door shoe organizer, with a pocket for each size battery, plus a pocket for batteries that need charging.

What are your solutions and problems?

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