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It happened again! lol Pet Peeve

14 years ago

Ever since I listed my pet peeve of "old ladies" getting in my personal space when I check out (writing a check is NOT the problem), I've had karma come back to me twice in a few days.

First I got behind a little old lady who bought maybe a loaf of bread and it took her forever to pay for it.

Today I had a boat load of groceries to buy, almost two carts worth. My check was all written out before the amount was given. But while I was standing there, this LITTLE OLD LADY stood right next to me where I write the check at the counter! I looked down and measured with my eyes. She was no more than a foot away!

Why do these women do this??? It's only women, and it's only when they're in their 70s on up.

Well, at least she had some nice smelling perfume on, and thank goodness I didn't start coughing. :)

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