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Pet peeve... I missed the ones posted the other day

15 years ago

and too sore, lazy and in pain to go find it! lol

I really dislike it when you are grocery shopping, and trying to find the best deal, and checking the unit price, only to find that you should have brought your calculator to figure out the best unit price of the 3 you are comparing !

yeah, so much a pound.. check the other one, so much an ounce, ...etc.... what a pita... I forgot one was.. but there were three different unit prices.. sheesh!

oh, yeah, and Safeway isn't selling the 60 calorie hershey chocolate sticks around here anymore.. hershey didn't "bid" enough for shelf space, and theires ont a huge rush on them. Well, for cryin out loud! What's a sickly, fat old lady to do? lol

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