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So we are now on 'Plan B' for MIL

12 years ago

Years ago she signed permission for me to talk to her Drs. After having her here for just under two weeks, I decided I should giver Primary a call. My concern is her memory. While she has never been the fastest car on the track mentally, we had our eyes opened during this visit. I asked her to give her a memory test and advise us about her ability to live on her own.

Her Dr said she is on memory pills but they were pretty subtle. He has noticed her missed appointments and general mental confusion and thought she may need a more support very soon.

Soo, we are looking into stair chair lifts, trying to finish our ADA shower upstairs and plan to bring her here.

We have a large house, so I'm thinking of storing my guest room furniture and a few things from my library and setting her up one room as a sitting room with TV, and turning the other room into her bedroom (with her stuff she loves so much). We converted one bedroom downstairs into a family room so for now I will be looking into purchasing a sofa bed for our kids and other company who come to stay.

Since long term memory is the last to go, I fear moving her into a new house with her 'stuff' in different places, she may not be able function well independently and we would end up with another home on our property that won't be used.

Currently she is dwelling on her dining table. Wants me to get rid of my "old table" (Craftsman style that matches our house) and replace it with her very formal set. Robert has no patience with the idea but I'm thinking about doing it. She needs to pet it daily. She is so materialistic and thinks we just have old stuff. She doesn't appreciate my Craftsman era home or anything we have purchased for it. She thinks she is giving us an upgrade with her furniture and dwells on this kind of thing daily.

We have a large basement where we could store some of our things for a year or more. If she loses her marbles totally, I can do what I want again, right? She even remembers how much everything she bought cost. In 1948, her dining set "cost $952. and that was a lot of money back then." (Tape loop alert.)

I'm so glad my own Mom wasn't materialistic. She easily chose family and support. But my MIL is very different. Having her "beautiful" such and such with her could be the difference between her moving in or not. And her Dr thinks it is a good idea to bring her here. She needs support.

What do you think about this plan? Would you accommodate her having her stuff? Remember, her mind is slipping so it's hard to reason with her. She is a tape loop.

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