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w/xp msworks 8.0 speadsheet problem

15 years ago


Whenever I make a chart at some point it comes up with the grid background totally black. I can see the series but all else is black. This might occur when I OK a new chart or later if the chart gets re-opened after being closed or any time in between initial construction and completion.

This Works program came bundled on the comp when I bot it Feb 05. I cannot find anything on Google or on the MS site duplicating this problem. The help file doesn't. I've tried every tool in the toolbar etc. Restarting too. I downloaded the "Microsoft Uninstaller Cleanup Utility" but it looked risky. Even said, "Durn" in front of my wife but she didn't take it personal.

There is a security update to Works 8.0 which I haven't installed yet since it's described as a security update. I thot that might complicate things.

I haven't done any charting for 3-4 years but I think this happened B4 maybe in about 2005. I vaguely recall downloading/installing a replacement file - can't find it in my notes. There is no error mssg.

Any suggestions?

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