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Avast users false positive alerts

since so many have AVAST on their pc I thought it might be helpful to have this as it's own thread.

AVAST had one of their updates that came out and was flagging a lot of files on the pc as some type of trojan or infection. If this happens to you stop the scan and go do an update of your AVAST. If you already scanned and put things in the chest you can remove them once you have the new update, then I would do another scan to make sure those were false positives.

I had it happen to me and realized right away it had to be a false positive since it was flagging a file it had scanned clean previously.

there is another thread here about this issue. Having one with this heading might help some find it faster.

Make sure you have the latest update, to see which definition number you have right click the blue Avast ball choose about Avast then on the tree click the plus sign in front of VBS there it will show you the number, you should have O91203-1

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