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16 years ago

My browser says Google-Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Compaq. Saw another members browser and hers says Windows Internet Explorer. What is the difference? And I noticed she has spell check, which I can't seem to get. I have windows xp


Comments (29)

  • 16 years ago

    Please download spell check, the link will send you to Majorgeeks a safe download site, click the American flag to download spellcheck, don't download anything else from there it is easy to make an error at the site and download the wrong thing

    There is no difference Internet Explorer is Internet Explorer.

    Here is a link that might be useful: majorgeeks

  • 16 years ago

    Microsoft Internet Explorer was renamed to Windows Internet Explorer starting at IE 7.

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  • 16 years ago

    Thanks marooma I didn't know that, dirrerent name same browser..


  • 16 years ago

    Thanks marooma but I have IE 7 but the name didn't change on my browser.

    Zep, thanks for the link for spell check but unfortunately I cannot open any exe anymore, it is a problem I'm learning to live with though. All my exe's and I have dozens, say that it is not a valid win 32 application.

  • 16 years ago

    Is this Vista?

  • 16 years ago

    No, I have windows xp

  • 16 years ago

    What have you done to try and correct it? an exe file is an executable file as in program, are you saying you can not open any programs on the pc.

    A system restore may be in order have you tried that?

  • 16 years ago

    The name on the browser is not really a problem. MS will let computer makers add their names to the browser title bar for promotional purposes. It's the same IE, just a different title bar.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say that all of your exes will not run. IE is an exe and it is apparently running. Are you able to run programs like MS Word, notepad, calc, etc? How are you trying to run these programs? File/Run. double click an icon, Start/Programs/Program name, . . . ? Can you give an example of a program that won't run? Is it something you installed or something you downloaded?

    Are these programs that used to run successfully and only recently stopped running? Did this happen after some other event or after you installed something new?

  • 16 years ago

    The programs I already had installed before this all began I can open, but for the past several months I haven't been able to execute any files or new programs after down loading, I don't have the box for a option of running a file, only a save button. Yes, I have done system restore.

  • 16 years ago

    Maybe check for malware run the malwarebytes program or have you already done it.

  • 16 years ago

    I've seen the problem where a system wouldn't open .exe files, claiming they weren't valid applications. Not to scare you, but I've seen it on systems that were infected with a virus (or a few). On those systems, the virus seemed to attack by shutting down the internet connection when you attempted to do a virus scan. I don't know anything specific about the virus or even if it was the direct cause of this problem. I wouldn't be surprised if a full system wipe and re-install would fix it since trying to do a virus scan caused it to lock down tight. It could be that the virus was using your computer to pump out spam mail.

  • 16 years ago

    Sunshines wrote:- The programs I already had installed before this all began I can open, but for the past several months I haven't been able to execute any files or new programs after down loading, I don't have the box for a option of running a file, only a save button. Yes, I have done system restore.

    Once you have downloaded a program you will need to find where it was downloaded to. Possibly either the Desktop or My Documents. Go there and double click on the file. I changed mine so it would download into a folder I created inside My Documents called Downloads, then I know where it all is without having to look through numerous other files

  • 16 years ago

    oh yes Owbist is on the right track here I do believe, when you get that box that says save when downloading you have to then select a place for it to save it to, then you must go to that location and find that file and double click on it that will initiate the install process and usually an install wizard will begin. Is that what you have been doing?
    sometimes some programs do give the run option instead of the save option but that is not always the case, so if you do not see the run option you have to take the steps above when using the save option. Just be sure to put them in a place you will be able to easily find them, like the desktop or a folder on the desktop labeled My downloads.

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks everyone, I know your all trying to help but it seems your all off track somehow. I know exactly where I download a new software program but that is not the problem, I didn't state that I always lost or couldn't find my exe's after downloading something. I know where all my folders are. I stated that my exe's won't run, open, no wizard, etc. Only one of you came close to what my problem might be.

  • 16 years ago

    As far as a browser spell check I still use the old reliable ieSpell on my Vista without concern. It of course works on prior O/S such as XP.


    Here is a link that might be useful: ieSpell

  • 16 years ago

    Sunshines, go to "folder options" under "tools", then "file types", make sure .exe is listed under "registered file types".

  • 16 years ago


    Go to the link below, read the instructions and download the file named "EXE File association fix". HTH.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Windows XP File Association Fixes

  • 16 years ago

    Sunshines, you suggested only one of us has come close to your problem. Perhaps if you told us which poster that was we could all concentrate on the post and find you a cure.

    I cannot see how your computer is working if you are unable to run any .exe file, either all should work or none.

  • 16 years ago

    Owbist, what does one have to do with the another? I have programs and software that were already installed so that is why my Computer is still working, the exe is used to open new downloads, right?

    Marooma I was excited to get the link to windows xp file association fixes but it didn't work.

    Camp exe wasn't registered under file types so I clicked new and typed in exe and then tried to open a exe but that didn't work so I had a feeling to go back and look again and the exe file was missing again, so I repeated it again..and it is just not staying there.

    damccoy the ieSpell has a exe which I cannot run.

  • 16 years ago


    Did you reboot after adding the file to the registry? The only reason I ask is that part of the Windows registry is loaded into memory and the program is supposed to modify it in addition to the windows registry files on your drive but sometimes (for unknown reasons) they don't take unless rebooted. This allows the modified registry to be re-loaded into memory. HTH.


  • 16 years ago

    If the exe file association under file types won't stay, I'm thinking you may have a virus. Is it possible to run an online scan like Trend Micro's Housecall?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Housecall

  • 16 years ago

    I almost freaked out awhile ago after typing in the EXE file nothing would open on my Computer, even lost the anti virus for awhile. I did reboot and still couldn't open anything, the system restore wouldn't even work, so my daughter went to the file types and associated it to system restore and was able to do the restore and so at least I have the Computer back. I won't type in EXE anymore. Sounds like a virus..but I don't know what to do about it.

    Couldn't do a Housecall, I got this message.
    Warning, the Housecall API did not define a native binding.

  • 16 years ago

    I'm sorry, but I have read this thread and reread it. With all this high-powered talk of an .exe file, are we talking about "activating" an installed application itself or the setup file after download?

    Plus, for whatever reason I surfed the web via Google for an answer on this. It appears this concern dates as far back as 2005 and I never did find a clear answer. One reoccurring report was a resolution by resolving a conflict with Nero and InCD. While another was a virus attack.

    I did find something interesting. An apparently seasoned poster laid claim that all .exe files are not executable. First I have heard of that. He claimed to determine if a file is indeed executable a user must open the file in Notepad and make note of the first two characters of the report. These characters must be MZ. I checked several files on my system and found them to indeed have MZ.


  • 16 years ago

    Sunshine, You sound so frustrated. I have used the following method to repair missing files in Windows. If it works for you it will be an easy fix. It is a built into Windows. It is a scan of your hard drive using error checking. You can find how to do the scan at the following site. I sure hope this helps. It has saved me many times. You just sit back and let the program work after the reboot. Good Luck

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you msbehaving, I took your advice and did the scan on the hard drive and thought the problem was fixed for sure as I was able to open a exe and install Malwarebytes, then I tried to open another one to install isSpell but got the windows 32 error again. Seems like the icons with a picture looking like a tv screen would not run cause the other icon was the Malwarebytes which I was able to install. That probably has nothing to do with it at all but anyway here is a picture.

  • 16 years ago

    Have you ever had ieSpell installed? I am wondering if this is an old 16 bit program. You could try to find another later spell checker compatible with IE and download it. I always save the download to my desktop where I can locate it quickly. I then run I virus check on it before installing. Some programs won't install if your virus and or firewall are enabled. You may need to turn them of during the installation. Again good luck.

  • 16 years ago

    Without question ieSpell is an older application as I used it originally on my Win98 systems. The above site I linked shows the version compatible all the way to XP. Having said that, I researched its compatiblity with Vista and located reports of success. I subsequently tried it on my Vista and it works just as good as always.

    My recollection is it is just a service so it does not really configure into the browser.


  • 16 years ago

    Just thought I'd let everyone know that I think I have found a solution or way around to my not being able to run a EXE.

    It is FlashGet
    I just used that program and installed ieSpell on IE
    I will try to run another EXE using FlashGet later, just to be sure.

    Anyone else have FlashGet?

  • 16 years ago

    I am glad you found a work around for your concern. I do find it curious that a download manager would be the answer, but whatever works.
