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Questions about Networking

12 years ago

Hi Everyone,

When I purchased my new Laptop about a month ago they networked my laptop which has windows 7 in it to my desktop which has windows XPSP3 in it.

I had them download Incredimail and now all my mail goes there and not to OE. I'm not sure that I like this networking stuff. What are the advantages of networking your computers together like this. What are the disadvantages? Would I be better off separating the two computers or leaving it like it is? Just wondering about this since it is all new to me. Thanks for all of the information that you will be providing for me.


Comments (58)

  • 12 years ago

    I have posted a link to this in the past and the person PeeCee on this forum puts it better than I could as to the reason to be cautious with incredimail. Scroll down to his comments if interested.

  • 12 years ago

    The problem that I had with ICM has been fixed.

    Now back to the networking thing. I tried right clicking on the file, the picture in the file and there is nothing there that even mentions Sharing. I tried this on my laptop which has windows 7. I went to properties and there isn't anything about sharing. I chose a picture and did a copy and paste and that worked. I placed it in a folder that I created in My Documents in Windows 7. I saw no sharing tab. I'm lost. "LOL" So that you will know I tried following your instructions without success.


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  • 12 years ago

    I don't think you can share a single file... but you can share any folder.

    The Pictures 'Library' icon... if you right click on that you will see Share in the pop out context menu. Or you can Expand 'Pictures' and you will see a folder named 'My Pictures' .. which is actually in your user account tree. Right click 'My Pictures' and Properties,, and you will see a sharing tab. All real folders you should see the share tab in properties.

  • 12 years ago

    IN the links I provided you would find

    Once you've created your wired or wireless network, sharing files is pretty simple. If you are using Windows, you should first make sure that the "File and Printer Sharing" box is checked. This option is located in the Properties tab of the the Network Connections Control Panel. Once file sharing is enabled, you can just right-click the drive, folder, or file you would like to share, and select "Sharing and Security." Then choose "Share this Folder" or "Share this File," enter any other permissions, and click OK. To access shared files from a networked computer, open "My Network Places" and locate the computer's name. Double-click the computer's icon and the list of shared files should show up. You can drag the shared files onto your hard disk or a folder on your desktop just like you can with local files.

    and much more detailed directions.

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks mikie, I will go back and take a look.

    Raven, I read that and please bare with me, since I just got Windows 7 and I am still looking for things there. Some things I found quickly and others I am still searching for. For instance it took me a bit to find Bookmarks in Firefox and discovered the Alt that I have to press to bring that down.

    The article says this: Network Connections Control Panel.

    Is there a Network Connections Control Panel and if there is where is it?

    Or, are they talking about going to the Control Panel and inside there is the Network Connections?

    To access shared files from a networked computer, open "My Network Places" and locate the computer's name.

    I have no idea where that's at either. I need help in getting there. As I said before Windows 7 is new to me and I am still learning and your help in getting me to where I need to go is very much appreciated. I have had Windows XP for years and I know that Windows 7 has been out there for sometime now, but I am a beginner with Windows 7. Since you know this now, I think it will help you to understand why I am a bit lost here. One last thing, I have never experienced Networking either for I have only had one computer until now. The people who I purchased my Laptop from set up the networking for me, I didn't do it. I've watched the video that you linked me to about Networking but I'm not sure I am understanding what they are saying. I will go back and look at it again maybe I missed something. Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it so much. With your help I know I can do this.


  • 12 years ago

    On the left side of my desktop there is Network. When I click on that it takes me to control panel, All control panel items, and network and sharing center. Then I see choose home group and sharing options. Then I see share libraries and printers. below that is pictures, documents, music, printers, videos. None of them have checkmarks in them. Is this the place where I need to be?


  • 12 years ago

    Have I said something that may have offended anyone? I sure hope not, as I would never want to do that to anyone. I am at a loss as to why I haven't heard from any of you. If I have said something that was offensive please accept my apology.


  • 12 years ago

    apology accepted

    Network icon on your desktop ? If not right click a blank spot on your desktop... at bottom of context menu is 'Personalize' ... then at left margin of window that opens... Change Desktop Icons... put a checkmark in 'Network'

    That Network Item should show you your router or modem if uPnP is enabled... plus show you all the other computers on your router, that also have Networking enabled on them.

    Ok I been busy not here much.. and my rice is overcooking now.... what you said I thought funny :)

  • 12 years ago

    Hi mikie,

    Yes, there is a Network Icon on my desktop.

    That Network Item should show you your router or modem if uPnP is enabled... plus show you all the other computers on your router, that also have Networking enabled on them.

    All I saw was my Laptop, desktop and Internet linked together. No modem or router is showing. Under Home Group it has Joined. I don't know how they did this.

    Please go up and read the two posts that I have for September 20th when you get the time. From what I know that is the best way that I can explain it at this time.

    "LOL" You mean it took you this long to cook the rice? It must have been awfully tough. "Smiles"

    Oh yes, have you heard on the news of them talking about Arsenic being in rice? I will leave a link for you to read.
    Just when you thought rice would be a good thing to eat, they come up with this.

    what you said I thought funny :)

    Thank you for accepting my apology and I'm glad you thought it was funny. It hasn't been the first time that I accidentally said something and gotten into trouble. Just the other day my identical twin and I sang at her sister in laws funeral and I walked up to tell one of the family members goodbye and she said for me to call her and I said that I would tell my sister. That's when she came back and told me that I was ticking her off. I am saying it nicely by the way. I didn't do anything on purpose to upset her only that I look exactly like my sister and I can't help that we were born identical twins. They should have given us name tags. I told some of the relatives after that who I was before they could get me confused with my sister again. I honestly never thought about it, because we are together maybe 3 times a year and it doesn't come up until we are together. So see I can get into trouble without even trying. "LOL"

    Thanks mikie for your reply.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Arsenic In Rice

  • 12 years ago

    I have to say I have used the free version of incredimail for years and not one bit of trouble with it. I tried other mail programs but for me the layout of this one works best because of having 2 different email accounts come into it and it was the only one I could figure out how to set it up the way I wanted. Mary

  • 12 years ago

    If you only saw your win7 and router.... and didn't see your other computer(s) in the desktop Network icon. You need to enable networking on the others, before it does you any good.

    Maybe read this while at one of the other computers...

    Here is a link that might be useful: compnetworking.about.com... windows xp networking

  • 12 years ago

    Or you might be looking in Networking while the other computers are turned OFF ? The have to be up and running windows for you to see them as networked,

  • 12 years ago

    Yeah that could be. Mary

  • 12 years ago

    I have a Dell Laptop (Vista) and a Dell Desktop (XP)....when I network from my laptop to my Dell Desktop and open a document from the Desktop it appears on the screen but has so many other symbols....through out the document. So I have to copy and past the data I want to a new document on my laptop. It is no trouble but could I do it another way? I hope I am explaining myself....

    Thank you for any advice....Marie

  • 12 years ago

    Hi mikie,

    You are right my desktop computer was off and that is why it didn't show up. I just checked after starting up my desktop and it is showing now in network.

    Hi Mary,

    For some unknown reason I was having problems with incredimail giving me multiple emails. It is no longer doing that. I called them and complained and they said they could fix it if I wanted to pay for it. I told the man no and that I was seriously considering deleting it. Well before I knew it, I was no longer getting those multiple emails. It's fine now.

    Now here is my problem now. I don't know which one is my default email OE or Incredimail. When I am on my laptop my mail comes in to Incredimail and now there are no more duplicates. They must have fixed that on their own.
    But when I go to my desktop and open up OE there are red x's there indicating they will be deleted unless I right click and tell it not to delete those messages in OE.

    My sister has her computer set up where OE is her default email but she gets her emails through Incredimail. She doesn't remember how she did that. The difference is that her emails are set up on one computer and mine is set up as a network for two computers, one being windows 7 using (Incredimail)On my Laptop and the other Windows XP using (OE) on my desktop. Does Incredimail have to be set as the default in Windows 7 (Laptop)? It appears that Incredimail has taken over my desktop email, but I am not sure that is what is happening and I don't know how to check it out. I should be able to get my emails from my desktop using OE when I am on that computer. Since Windows 7 no longer uses OE that may be why all this craziness is taking place. I don't know how those techs set up my emails. Can I have OE as my default on my desktop and Incredimail as my default on my laptop without them messing up? I was also told that I could also use Windows live mail on my laptop as well. That is why this networking thing has got me so confused, I don't know how they set up my emails either to get them to work correctly on both computers. Then theres the sharing thing that goes with all of this. As simple as networking is suppose to be, I seem to be going around in circles.

    Cricketm, I think we are talking about the same thing to a point. I can copy and paste from my desktop to my Laptop without any problems, but it's the sharing thing that I am suppose to be able to do that I don't understand.

    So I have two issues going on here. One is email and the other is the sharing issue. It's like juggling and not being able to hold on to whatever you are trying to juggle and being afraid if you don't do it right that you might break something. "LOL"

    If you put all of this to music for me I might get it. "LOL"


  • 12 years ago

    I found something about sharing in my Windows 7 Computer. I put something in a new folder and I have my desktop computer on. In Windows 7 I go to that folder that I created and highlight the folder I right click on it and go to properties. I go to sharing and click on it and it shows the folder and below that is share. If I click on share will it send it to my desktop?

    Now from my desktop I highlight a folder, then I go to properties and there is sharing there also, it is a little different this one says this: Local Sharing and Security
    To share this folder with other users of this computer only, drag it to the shared documents folder. shared documents is highlighted.

    Local Sharing and Security.

    To make this folder and sub-folders private so that only you have access, select the following check box.
    Make this folder private.

    Below that there is this: Network Sharing and Security
    To share this folder with both network users, and other users of this computer, select the first check box below
    and type a share name. Is this the name of my desktop?
    Share this folder on the network.

    Windows Firewall is configured to allow this folder to be shared with other computers on the network.

    There are no check marks inside the boxes. Which one do I use and do I have to do this for each folder that I would want to share with my Laptop? Is this a permanent sharing thing? What I mean is once it is set to go to my laptop will it stay in my laptop and can I access that folder without having my desktop turned on?

    Did I find the right one for both computers?


  • 12 years ago

    There has been much great advice given but I still think that you are missing the basic concept of networking and what it's used for. What networking gives you is the ability to view, save or edit files that are contained within shared folders on 'another' computer in your network. So, for instance, you are sitting at your Windows 7 computer and need a file that is saved on the Win XP computer, you can go to 'Network' and click on the Win XP computer and see a list of the shared folders. You can access all files within those folders to save them on the Win 7 computer, edit or delete them....basically whatever you need to do. Sharing a folder does not send it to the other computer, only makes it accessible as long as the other computer is turned on.

    As for the confusion about Outlook Express and Incredimail, they both likely are set up to work with your email account so your mail should download to whichever one you open. Default email is really only important if you are clicking on a link that launches an email...like for a support website or the like, where you 'click here' to contact someone. Default email is referenced for sending an email and gives the instruction, 'when I click a link that launches email, open OE' or whatever you chose as default.

    Aside from the aforementioned risks of using Incredimail, they likely function very similarly.

    I hope this doesn't muddy the waters further :-)


  • 12 years ago

    My 2 cents.
    Pam, I agree with you on the using Network sharing to access folders to view, edit, save, or share with someone vs using it to get your files over to a new computer. I used a flash drive for that.

    As far as an email account not allowing mail to come to and be opened in Outlook express on Win XP IS I think, if it is the Default one other than your email client?
    What happened to me when I got my windows 7 laptop, I opened Hotmail and it took over as the default without my consent and when I went on my desktop to OE, NO mail came there at all. I then did something back on my laptop in Hotmail and quit using Hotmail ever since. I Started receiving all mail in OE again after that.
    I then installed the win7 Live mail using my server as default and receive all my accounts there.

  • 12 years ago

    On a Windows computer, you should always be able to open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, Programs tab and set your default email application there. There is no reason to feel as if you have no choice about your default email client. I regularly send email from my gmail account set up in Outlook Express or Outlook or my hotmail or yahoo accounts set up in a web browser, whichever suits my needs. It's your computer and it's there to serve you :-)Take control!

  • 12 years ago

    I have never gotten multiple emails in incredimail, strange. Never had to call their tech support so have no clue about it. I usually just find a forum of other users when I have a question about it. You should probably delete incredimail and just stick to OE, its probably simpler to use. Mary

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks Pam for helping, I have been traveling with out Internet access which is why I failed to respond.
    Thirdfrt sorry I didn't keep up no you didn't offend me for sure.

  • 12 years ago

    Glad to hear that Raven. Right now my mind isn't on the computer and I am hoping to get back to it by Monday. We are having storms, so I have been shutting down because of the lightening. My sister is still visiting and plans on leaving on Saturday. There is also a funeral that I am having to go to on Thursday and Friday, so I will have to take a break and by Monday everything should settle down.

    Pam, that was a very good explanation and from what everyone including you have posted I am starting to get it.

    I still have some questions though. Where do I go in Windows 7 and in Windows XP to find out which email client is the default email? I know in Windows XP that it is OE, now Windows 7 is another story. I would like to know how I can find out that information. Can I find it in Internet Explorer 8 for my Windows XP OS? Now my Laptop is Windows 7 and I have Internet Explorer 9 in my laptop. Can I find that in Internet Explorer 9? The only reason I know that my XP machine is OE, is because when I download my Windows Updates in Windows XP a box pops up and asks me if I want OE to be my default and I click on yes, but I still don't know where to go to find that information. If for some reason I clicked no instead of yes, I would have no idea how to go back and change my default to OE. I hope I am making sense here. Now in Windows 7 there is Incredimail and Windows Live I believe. I don't know which one is my default email.

    I have to go now we are getting another storm. Ugh!

    Thank you everyone for your patience. I really appreciate your help.


  • 12 years ago

    The Programs tab in Internet Options should be in the same place in Internet Explorer 9 on your Windows 7 computer.

  • 12 years ago

    Where do I go in Windows 7 to find out which email client is the default email? I would like to know how I can find out that information

    See if this is of any help?

    Try this-----

  • 12 years ago

    pkponder and thirdfrt......

    Yes....I can copy and paste from my desktop to my Laptop without any problems. BUT, when I am on my Laptop (Vista) and I go to NETWORK and find a document I want to see on my Desktop (XP)....the document DOES NOT look like the document on my desktop...it has so many symbols on half the page and then comes the text and then more symbols. Why is this happening to the data? I have Microsoft Works on both computers. Thank you for your advice or replies....Marie

  • 12 years ago

    What file extension, Cricketm? Can you right click on the file, left click Properties on the XP and and on the copy saved on the Vista and verify that the properties are identical? Are you sure that encryption is not enabled on either copy?

  • 12 years ago

    I'm still on XP and could not provide the visual.

  • 12 years ago

    pkponder.....You solved the mystery for me..it was the file extensions.

    Documents that were in Word Pad DOC...are the ones I saw with all the symbols...but

    Notepad ..Rich Text documents I saw correctly. Thank you for clearing this up for me.

  • 12 years ago


    Thanks for showing me how to get to the default programs. I only have Media Player showing for the default, it is the only one with a drop down arrow. The email one isn't highlighted only the Media Player one is. I tried to click on the email one, but it wouldn't do anything. You are showing choose a default email program, so I tried that one but it was not highlighted, so I couldn't get any information from there. What I do see is this: e-mail program: Windows Live Mail, enable access Windows Live mail. Remove access: Microsoft Outlook. I put a dot in the Non. Microsoft one, so that you will know. What Is in Bold letters above is what I saw.

    I know that they (Techs) set this up before I got this Laptop. It might be that they made those changes before I got my laptop from them. Incredimail is not mentioned on any defaults. That's a good thing. I don't see anything else. Thanks Urlee.


  • 12 years ago

    I'm sorry but I have been gone due to having to go to a funeral visitation and service. I am going to have to reread everything here again and will be back after I do that.

    One thing though that just dawned on me is this. My Windows XP is set up as OE as the default email. Windows 7 no longer has OE so it would not be my default. So the set up that I would need to know about would be in Windows 7 since it no longer has OE. Urlee posted on how to find that info which I will need to look at again, but I am wondering if any email would be compatible with OE using Windows 7 that doesn't have OE. Since they are networked together now, one being OE in XP and the other in Windows 7 (not sure what the email default is there) could this be what is causing the problem with the emails? I am thinking if this computer wasn't networked with Windows 7 that it would solve what minor issues I am having. Just wondering.


  • 12 years ago

    You probably should go into OE and disable it.
    Then you can use Win7 or WinXP or any other computer to do your email online.

    You dont seem to understand how email works. Its on a server at your isp, or hotmail or gmail or where-ever. You dont need an email client installed on any computer at all.

  • 12 years ago

    I use OE on my win XP desktop and receive all mail from all my different accounts that I chose, there.
    I use Win 7 Live mail on my laptop and receive all mail from all my accounts there too except, for some reason (I didn't look into) my server account.(dialup) The name is there but when I click to see, nothing shows but I didn't care cause it is my personal account and I retrieve and do business with it on my desktop. I did use that account to set up the "Pop3" etc. when installing Win7 Live mail.
    I have win7 live mail as my default on my laptop so when the time comes to send mail from a web page, it uses that to go through.
    When I open and read mail on Win7 laptop, (Gmails) that same mail still goes to OE unopened for me to read when I go on my win XP desktop.

  • 12 years ago

    This is in Windows 7 Live Mail.

    That's STRANGE?
    I thought Win7 Live mail was my default?
    This shows my Internet Provider as being my Default?
    No wonder Win7 Live is in the list to enable in my graphic above. I take it the ones to enable are not defaults.
    Win7 Live is the one that pops up when asked on web pages?


  • 12 years ago

    except, for some reason (I didn't look into) my server account.(dialup) The name is there but when I click to see, nothing shows

    After poking around, I, for the first time, CAN use my server account in Windows 7 Live Mail.
    We will see how that goes.

  • 12 years ago

    You dont seem to understand how email works. Its on a server at your isp, or hotmail or gmail or where-ever. You dont need an email client installed on any computer at all.

    Hi Mikie,

    I have always known that my ISP provided the email for me. They have their own site that I can go to in order for me to get my mail if I want to go to their site to get it. But in Windows XP they set it up so that it would go straight into OE when I clicked on it from OE. That's the way that I wanted it.

    Now, if I get certain updates from Microsoft a box pops up telling me that OE is not currently my default email and do I want it to be my default email and I click yes and I can use OE again. I Always assumed had I clicked on no that Outlook would have become my default email.

    I chose to use OE because there were things that I can do with it that I couldn't do using online email like Gmail, yahoo, etc.

    With OE I could send music with my emails if I decided to do so. I was pretty sure that I couldn't do that with the online email. Although I do use online email for certain things. I liked the stuff that OE offered better than the online emails. I used OE for my family and friends only and online email for certain companies. So I do have a basic understanding with that stuff. Where the problem comes in is finding out where the default emails are and which ones are my default emails. I don't know where to go to disable OE or to add other emails sites along with it if I choose to do so.

    From what I am reading here it sounds like Urlee is doing what I want to do but I can't figure out how to do it.

    for the first time, CAN use my server account in Windows 7 Live Mail.

    So in the example she gave here I think she is saying that she is using her server account (ISP) in Windows 7 Live Mail. Windows 7 Live Mail is getting her mail from her ISP. Is that what you are saying Urlee? Let me know if that is what you are saying.

    If that is the case then Incredimail that I downloaded is doing the same thing. Incredimail is picking up my email from my ISP. Is that correct? How can I get Windows 7 Live Mail to do that if I want to use Windows 7 Live Mail?


  • 12 years ago

    "Incredimail is picking up my email from my ISP. Is that correct? How can I get Windows 7 Live Mail to do that if I want to use Windows 7 Live Mail?"

    Is your ISP "Charter Communications"? If so, this might help.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Windows Live Mail Setup

  • 12 years ago

    My system is wifi and I chose not to network both of my computers. I don't need it. I transfer files with my external HD.

    Urlee, I use Windows Live Mail and have my server's email routed to it. That default setting is not for the "email software" it is a setting for which of your email accounts you want to be your default. I have 3 accounts that are routed to my WLM and #2 is my default account.

  • 12 years ago

    So in the example she gave here I think she is saying that she is using her server account (ISP) in Windows 7 Live Mail. Windows 7 Live Mail is getting her mail from her ISP. Is that what you are saying Urlee? Let me know if that is what you are saying.

    My laptop came with Windows Essentials already Downloaded. I just chose Mail to install. Upon installing it, I put my server information in all the blanks to fill out same as beginning with "Server Type" POP, in the info URL chuggerguy posted for you.
    Then I added my Gmail accounts separately or if you use incredimail, hotmail, etc.

  • 12 years ago

    That default setting is not for the "email software" it is a setting for which of your email accounts you want to be your default.
    Yes Emma, I understood it as such. My point being it shows what is and where to pick to choose to be default.

  • 12 years ago


    When I purchased my Windows 7 Laptop I also purchased Microsoft Office 2010 it is the full version, this one has Access, Publisher, and I believe that is where Microsoft Outlook 2010 came from.

    I just went to Windows Live Mail and when I clicked on the email part of it a box pops up asking if I want to make Windows Live Mail my default mail. So by that I see that I can do it there and make it my default if I want to. So then I went into Microsoft Outlook 2010 and when I clicked on the email there I did not get that message that I got in
    Windows live mail. Nothing popped up asking me if I wanted to make outlook 2010 my default mail. It didn't say that it was my default either but I am wondering if Outlook 2010 is the default. So those were the two that came with my computer. Now I wanted Incredimail so the guys installed that on my computer. I'm trying to find out if they made Incredimail my default. I know now that Windows Live Mail is not my default because of it asking me if I wanted to make it my default. So I have Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Incredimail. How do I find out which one of those is set as the default email in Windows 7 on my laptop? I think I should have started with this first before I started asking other questions. I think I jumped in ahead of myself. So with this in mind what I need to know first is which one is my default email in Windows 7 on my Laptop and how do I find that out?

  • 12 years ago

    "... but I am wondering if Outlook 2010 is the default. ..."

    I think in Windows 7 you can examine/change your defaults under "Start->Default Programs".

    Or you can click a "mailto" link like this one and see which client pops up. If Outlook pops up, it's your default. Pretty sure at least, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

    Send Mail

    That's not a valid email address BTW but it should still bring up your "default" email client.

  • 12 years ago

    My windows 7 did not come with an email program. I just looked through my programs and there is something called windows mail, but there is no email software in the folder. I had to download my email and it had that huge tool bar on top like word has and I hated it. I finally set up the quick access bar and that worked for me. A few months back I reformatted and could not find what I had been using. I found windows live mail and it was very much like OE. I can add background music in it.

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Chuggerguy,

    When I clicked on the link send mail it went straight to Incredimail.So is it possible they set Incredimail to be the default? It kind of looks like that might be the case.


    I didn't know that you could add backround music in Windows Live Mail. That is why I went to Incredimail so that I could do that. Humm very interesting.


  • 12 years ago

    I didn't know that you could add backround music in Windows Live Mail. That is why I went to Incredimail so that I could do that. Humm very interesting.


    Depends on what version you have. Look more towards the end of that thread.

    Here is a link that might be useful: WinLive discussion

  • 12 years ago

    I hit the wrong button will try this again, may end up with a double message. My WLM is 2009 Build 14. I didn't know I could send music. The option is in format/background. I only looked in insert and quit looking. I also like that it will size my photos for me.

  • 12 years ago

    I should have mentioned......it only has the option for pictures and music in the rich text format.

  • 12 years ago

    As I quoted in the link I posted above--------
    Posted by urlee (My Page) on Sat, Mar 26, 11 at 15:43
    And..have you figured out if we can add wavs or midis?
    YAY! WLM came through AGAIN! I sent myself a .wav (gmail to gmail in WLM) and when I opened my message, the song played in the background. WHOOPIE!
    I do have to experiment more tho to be able to know more.
    It works the SAME as you do it in OE!

    Hope you found that thread informative.

  • 12 years ago

    I haven't tried yet. I just clicked until it went to browse like it did in OE. I have a bit of a health problem (tests) so not on the computer as much. And I have nice little trash container sitting by me....I know, I know to much info. LOL

  • 12 years ago

    Emma, My wishing you well and in my thoughts.

    Here is a wonderful site on the Mail program for Win7.
    I used the Setup Pop3 or IMAP email accounts when I installed mine.

    Here is a link that might be useful: GOOD info 4 Win7 Live Mail

  • 12 years ago

    Urlee, Thank you for the kind thoughts. I am much better this AM. As long as I stay away from pain meds I am alright.

    I sent myself a test mail and my itunes will send and play waves and regular songs.