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What has happened to this web site?

17 years ago

I've been a Garden Web member for some time and used to frequent this site occasionally. It was so busy your post would move off the page in no time. I see now that the traffic here has diminished substantially. I recall that a charge was imposed to use this site a few years back and note now that it is lifted. What's happened, and where have all the computer experts gone?


Comments (34)

  • 17 years ago

    bob b I think you need something to cheer you up.

    How To Clean Your Toilet - The Fun Way
    Instructions on how to clean your toilet

    1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
    2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
    3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.
    4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
    5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".
    6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
    7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
    8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.
    9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.

    The Dog

  • 17 years ago

    I used this site a lot a few years ago - was a newbie and always asking questions. Thanks to all you folks, I learned - now don't need it so much. Maybe that's what happened - people got more familiar with their computer and can fix their own problems.

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  • 17 years ago

    I feel that some other titles nearby are used somewhat less than pre-ivillage; I am thinking surly electronics on the ths side, and on the other side, soil and perhaps vegetables.

    I ask questions here less often because a Google search by domain is so effective e.g. a a few minutes ago Google search for ~ comphelp pop-ups gardenweb.com ~ finds 42 ghits in one second while a search this forum finds 32 hits in 13 seconds (And there have been times recently when search this forum produced few or none.)

    Perhaps computers are just less needing of help?

    I have been a student of forums since Prodigy back in ?'92 and I do think that technologically GW is good at formatting input and output.

    Perhaps it still has some life left in it, especially since you can Google almost anything plant related and Gardenweb and Wikipedia are usually in the top five or so. Visit again sometime.

  • 17 years ago

    There was a lot of discontent in many of the forums when Spike sold to ivillage and ivillage posted new terms of service. Some of the regulars here left then, but if 25 left there are probably 25 different reasons. Old ones left - new ones come along. That's the way forums work.

  • 17 years ago

    RB, where have all the "computer experts" gone? What a rude and ignorant (ie: uninformed) question!

    We are fortunate to have good people on this forum who are not only knowledgable but patient enough to help with computer problems. I've learned a lot just by reading and searching, and so have countless others.

    Same goes for other forums. Not everyone is an "expert" in everything. We offer help on the forums we can, and learn from the others. GW is alive and well, thank you very much. Sandy

  • 17 years ago

    The former experts left for various reasons, among them burn-out due to harassing e-mails sent to them privately.

    Since then, new helpful folks have become our experts.

    I, for one, have gained much knowledge and personal help from all our experts, past and present.

  • 17 years ago

    I think that this particular forum, like many others, has its busy seasons and has its lulls. Lately, during the summer, through Labor Day, folks are on vacation, no school, etc., the site has little traffic. However, in 2-3 weeks, as cold weather sets in over much of the country, it will start rocken' sure some of the old "experts" might be gone but some bright newbies will take their place. There are a couple other sites, such as pools and spas and photography that get traffic. I am betting that also since NBC no longer owns it, and it is a free site for everyone, it has probably lost some of its paid advertised links on other national high volume sites. I still like to hit GW at least a couple times a week. It's time to skim the start page for some new listings... and like any good garden, that start page can use some pruning... there are forums in there that haven't had traffic for years... weed them out, make it much smaller, I think that might help.

  • 17 years ago

    Breen Thumb,

    Not to referee or take sides, but I think you might have mis-interpreted RB.

    Having been a member here for some time and recently returning from an extended sabbatical myself, I think I understand what he is saying. In the past we had some brillant minds here. Some who might have been referred to as "geeky". They were so smart and computer informed they could almost be scary at times. Some members like Madhuri, Wolfgang, and Tiger to name a few. However, life goes on. Out goes the old and in comes the new. Having monitored the forum for a while before returning I found the current body of members informed, helpful and civil.

    As far as these members leaving the forum, along with others too, I can't argue with anything written here and I have other private knowledge plus a few intelligent guesses.

    Finally as to the use of the forum, during the Summer months participation dwindles as members are active with other interests. As the weather changes things will increase; particularly after the holidays when many people have new systems and/or peripherals. It historically always does.


  • 17 years ago

    Well, I for one have just about had it with the ads ivillage loves to harass us with. Just within the past few minutes, I have been knocked off the website three times while trying to click off the ads. I don't need this nonsense.....looking for another home forum! Any ideas?

  • 17 years ago

    "looking for another home forum! Any ideas?"

    Nope..this is still the best one.

  • 17 years ago

    DA, no one would be happier than me to find I mis-interpreted RB's question. Thanks for the clarification. I've never seen those names before so that must have been back when I was still dot-com-less. Sandy

  • 17 years ago

    I don't understnd about the ads. I get here ala AOL and never see any ads.

  • 17 years ago

    I have been coming here for years and have learned so much! I've even been able to help a few times.

    Like minnie, I wonder why some have problems with ads. I access this site from home and from work and never see any ads.

  • 17 years ago

    No ads here, plus this forum has been a big help for me have learned and still learning from the people here.

  • 17 years ago

    Yeah, what's this about the ads? All one has to do to be ad-free is register. I use Opera browser and never see any ads or pop-ups at all.

    As to the forum changing, I believe that's the nature of all forums. All the ones I have frequented over the years have changed "casts". But, like DA, I miss some of the old timers. Some are now deceased, and others have just moved on, I guess. All in all, we have some good folks here who help with whatever they feel comfortable and knowledgeable about.

  • 17 years ago

    ~About the ads....sorry about the venting, but I was very frustrated this morning while trying to read the posts. Sometimes it is like that....the ads keep popping up and they are full page ads! It doesn't happen every time, but is irritating when it does! I don't know why it happens to me and some others, but it never did before iVillage bought the site. Oh, and grandms, I have been a registered member since early in 1994! I really don't want to leave, because the folks on here have been so helpful and kind to me during the past few years. I keep hoping it will get better! :>)

  • 17 years ago

    I found this forum shortly after I got my first PC, in 1997. It definitely had a "family atmosphere" which made it very interesting. It has been my Educator and Rescue Squad ever since.

    I don't understand why some people continue to rail on about ads, when there is so much that can be done about it. If you need help with that, post your question here and you will be given the "cure." Or just keep reading because it comes up quite often.

    I must be way behind though about one thing. NBC no longer owns GW? Who does and when did that happen?


  • 17 years ago

    I am one who has not needed to come here much (a good thing..) but when I do, I always get helped....I also never have had ads pop up on here for me...I use Firefox, but I also always a paid member. I am mostly a lurker here at GW, as I am a member to a few others for different things, so it's hard to just hang out at them all...LOL...I do work too, and garden and have a pup, so very busy...

    RB, did you get my e-mail through here?

    But this computer forum has been great to me....Thanks!!

  • 17 years ago

    Great to see you around again, my friend.
    Also good to see some other original names still
    haunting the place.
    I do miss the old days.

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks Ken. It's good to hear from you too.

    What I miss from the old days is the comraderie, and true caring and sharing. It wasn't just about CPUs, viruses and software. A lot of the members acted as if we were family. (The last I wrote that comment I got flamed. Oh well, who cares?)

    I just deleted another short paragraph of the history here at the Forum as I remembered it. I believed it to be accurate, but I decided why should I bring up old memories of the Forum's causes for past change. They are over and done with. Time to move on and enjoy life.


  • 17 years ago

    former experts left for various reasons, among them burn-out due to harassing e-mails sent to them privately
    He deserved it.

    as if we were family. (The last I wrote that comment I got flamed
    He was a jerk.

  • 17 years ago

    No, I haven't received your e-mail.

  • 17 years ago


    I see you remember the flaming post. That was pretty much the clincher as to why I went on sabbatical.

    In the world of the Internet where everyone is veiled in annonimity and nothing is certain to be as it appears I just thought it was wiser to just go about my business with a hope of returning one day.


  • 17 years ago

    I think I remember all that. But what sticks in my mind was the kindness and comradery of the old group. It felt like a group of friends. It was fun to come here. I often think about Spewey and wish he'd drop by again.


  • 17 years ago

    I first started coming here 1999 and remember many of the old experts and still hang with a few, but as much as we can look back on the old it's time to appreciate the new. I would have to echo the camaraderie of those particapting in those older days and that was back when off topic posts were frowned upon.

  • 17 years ago


    With my morning coffee you added a big chuckle. I had forgotten the OT position of many of our elder members. There was some, shall we say, harsh guidance at times.

    I forget who the member was that encouraged Spike to add the "Conversations" side here, but it was and is a fine idea.

    Again thanks for the chuckle.


  • 17 years ago

    How wonderful to see some of these names again.
    It's a good forum now, but it was even better back then.
    Best regards to old friends.

    We can't go back in time, but it sure would be nice to see the old gang pop in here more often. I do miss the 'family'.

    Thanks bob_b for starting the thread that brought back great memories.


  • 17 years ago

    Started in about 1998, and found much help. That was the date I retired from a job that had technical support for my computer needs, to a job as a consultant, and self-support, or higher cost of doing business (I didn't have a lot of paying business). This forum provided much help over the years and still does. I try to add something from time-to-time to help pay-back, but there are long periods that my computers are working and I don't return to do volunteer work until I need help again. Seems the generosity of the true supports goes on, some names are gone, some new ones have taken their places. I agree the traffic seems to have gone down.

  • 17 years ago

    I'm a very basic computer user but have been coming here to learn, mostly by reading, for quite awhile. Occasionally, I post a question and rarely, I can actually help someone else.

    I have been very, very grateful for all the good help so many of you experts have provided over the years. I did wonder where some familiar names had gone and it is so good to see them again, if only briefly. This gives me the chance to give a very big thank you to all of them.

  • 17 years ago

    Me too ginny.

    I just copied the info about Audacity from here and sent it to one DS and he told me it is good info and I should try it. Am planning on it.

  • 17 years ago

    DA... glad to oblige! How I remember some of the more serious advisors of the time chastising those who went off-topic. While not meant to be... at times some of the responses were humourous at best. The tragedy of 9/11 was partly responsible as the starting point for the need for the "Conversation" side of the Computer forum but if you recall the File Extension threads at the beginning of 2002... that was when it came to be.


  • 17 years ago

    I'm new to this forum. I usually visit the 'Smartcomputing' forum (don't know if that's allowed here), different screen name , but it requires their magazine subscription to do any 'posting'.
    I visit some of the other 'GW' forums and thought I'd give this one a try. Seems to be many knowledgable people here. I'm no computer whiz but what I do know I try to share. Just wish there was more to share. LoL.
    The crowds at forums are like 'bar crowds', here today and gone tomorrow. Usually after time it comes 'full circle' again.
    Seems like I'm getting to know some of the people here already.
    Thanks to all of you for sharing and helping others.


  • 17 years ago


    I had forgotten about the File Extension threads.


  • 17 years ago

    Oh, yes, I do remember that one.
    I first came here in 1999 after buying my first Windows 98 comp. I had lost the ability to connect to the Internet, even though I was connected to my ISP (dialup) and all offline activities worked. A very knowledgable helper walked me through editing my registry to correct the problem. I had to use a computer at the local library to come here for help. Unfortunately, I was later much maligned, even called un-American, for my stance in opposition to our invasion of Iraq. This person later left this and another forum, and I remained, in spite of the attacks on me. I'll always be grateful to him for his help, but I guess this is an example of what off topic discussions can lead to.