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16 years ago

Do laptops overheat if you have them on too long?

I was looking at Toshiba & Gateway and it says they are made in China.

Comments (54)

  • 16 years ago

    I've been using laptops almost exclusively for the past 10-15 years. The first laptop I had did have trouble if it was used as a desktop replacement, but I've seen no problems with any since then.

  • 16 years ago

    No problems with any laptops I have had in last many years either with my Toshiba's, IBM's (pre-Lenovo) and now this Acer. Just make sure if you are leaving it on, its on a hard surface where none of the vents are obstructed

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  • 16 years ago

    Thank you all!

    I know I was hot on buying a laptop awhile ago on here but that money went elseware so now I am hot again.
    Around $500 would be perfect if possible.

    Doesn't that "Label Flash" sound intriguing?


  • 16 years ago

    I have seen laptop coolers - basically a hard surface with a small fan in it to pull heat away from the laptop. USB powered I believe.

    I think the purpose of those are for people who do use themn as "laptops" - and tend to set them on soft surfaces like a pillow or lap. You can get heat issues then - you need to have the fan openings clear.

  • 16 years ago

    I bought a ten dollar kitchen counter cutting board at the grocery for my lap/top.
    Nailed down some chunks of firring strips that I had painted with non slip rubber paint matching the laptop feet locations - which gives it a constant 3/4 inch air gap/clearance .

    The laptop does have some vented slots on the bottom that I guess are sort of for a chimney intake effect.

    Cpu's both are always are right around 130 - 140°F and hard drive 104°

    Once, when I fell asleep on the sofa watching tv, that cutting board did hurt my foot when it fell and startled me such that it almost flew through the TV.

  • 16 years ago

    "LOL" mikie,

    So goes the test for longevity of laptop heat and abuse.

  • 16 years ago

    We have an IBM which is used in a dock a lot for desktop use and never ever had any type of heating problems. It is a great laptop.
    I have a little "lap desk" I bought at Hobby Lobby or Michael's which has a hard flat surface for the laptop to sit on so that none of the vents get blocked. I have one that has side storage areas and one that is just flat with like a bean bag bottom.


    Mine does not have the light but I sure wish it did.

  • 16 years ago

    How neat, ravencajun.

    Do all laptops have, and do you have any trouble with the "Glary" screens?
    The laptops (very few) I have seen, all have shiny screens where the glare is annoying.

  • 16 years ago

    Urlee, it seems that all the newer laptops have the "bright" screens. My old Dell did not, and the main difference is using in bright light. The bright screens reflect light just like a mirror, so forget using outside in bright light.

  • 16 years ago

    I have a glossy screen when off or the screen is blanked. I can't recall ever seeing a reflection when its on. I've been outside with it some - yep in bright sun you want shade and maybe turn up the screen brightness. My screen is set at 50% brightness for indoors, which works best for my tired eyes.

  • 16 years ago

    I found one I really liked as far as looks, feel, and screen type (no glare) But was wondering where I could buy it other than Wal-Mart? (Pricey)
    It is the Toshiba A205-S5809.

    I do not want refurbished or remanufactured.

  • 16 years ago

    BestBuy.com shows a similar Toshiba for $449. 1.73 dual processor and 1gb,, but mostly same otherwise


  • 16 years ago

    THANKS mikie,
    I shall check that out etc. and decide.

  • 16 years ago

    Remember Urlee, stay away from any Big Box store warranties. You get 1 year from Toshiba (manufacturer's)if you want accidental insurance, you have to purchase that within 30 days and for extended, it used to be within that first year but have heard that has changed. check it out. Dont forget to register your product online

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks genes,
    I usually turn them down.

    Looks like that is an "in store purchase". I'd have to drive 75 miles to get it if I wanted it and with the gas prices as they are.

    I was trying to find the specs for the S5809 so I can see what it has on it and to compare with the S5843 which was cheaper, that I came across on the net.
    If I end up wanting the S5843, I am hoping the cosmetics are the same as I sure liked what I saw on the outside of the S5809.

    I am so happy I at least found a laptop (Toshiba at that) to my liking.
    I am going to go back to Wal-Mart to have them "unlock" the box so I can see if the specs are written on it.
    Had to wait &^%$* to have someone unlock the display one for me to look at yesterday.
    I Pulled the sheet of paper off that covered the screen to see it was not that glossy shiny reflective one. YAY!
    If I did have go with Wal-Mart, are their products new out of the box or refurbished?

  • 16 years ago

    You can go to the page below and across the top choose
    Portables / Satellite / then put A205 in the search box and scroll down to the model number.
    Click the Show results - then Detailed Specs

    Here is a link that might be useful: Toshiba Support

  • 16 years ago

    I've never seen refubished Toshiba's in a regular retail store.
    Staples here usually has Thinkpads in stores they sell as refurbished lease returns.

  • 16 years ago

    mikie, You are a DOLL!!!!!!!!!

    Yikes! I have a nine o'clock appointment! I have to get off of here QUICK!


  • 16 years ago

    walmart sells new in box. Any place that sells refurbished has to tell you that and it has to be on the box.

    all you have to do to find out info on a particular model online is go to google and put the model number in quotes
    "Toshiba A205-S5809" and you get info just about that.
    google search

    Walmart has a very good return policy, some online stores will not accept returns on a pc. I had looked at newegg and walmart for my gpc and got it at walmart because newegg would not take a return but walmart would. Normally I love newegg but in that case walmart won.

  • 16 years ago

    www.froogle.com has turned up some good prices for me occasionally. It's google's price search.

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you ravencajun, I value your info.

    AGAIN you gave me a TREASURE to bask in.
    Such a wonderful place to know about. I am in my GLORY searching ALL the Toshibas! I am on page 40 and had to come up for air so I came back to THANK you sooooooo much!
    I was looking at the A205-S5841 for the same price Wal-Mart wants for the S5809. Looks like a better one.

    Whew! So overwhelming. Now is when I wish I had a laptop to do my intense research in the "easy chair" opposed to getting a sore bum here at the desktop.

  • 16 years ago

    Better I stick with Pentium Dual-Core opposed to AMD Turion 64 even tho CR recommends the A215-S5818?

  • 16 years ago

    Intel Core 2 Duo would be even better if available

  • 16 years ago

    The ones I have been looking at are Intel Pentium Dual Core T2370 1.73GHz (my price range)

  • 16 years ago

    Ok, I decided to go all out (higher than) and opt for the A205-S5853!!!!!!!!

    Now to find a good place and price to get it at.

    I want to thank all of you for your valuable replies that led me to my decision.
    Last one of course being: Intel Core 2 Duo would be even better if available (Love ya genes!)

    LOVE ya all!


  • 16 years ago

    Just to make sure you know, the bigger the processor, the larger the Txxxx number. If a 5000 series is within your budget, go for it(There are 2000, 5000, 7000 and 8000 series)

  • 16 years ago

    I do not understand what they are talking about?????
    (Windows Vista & Vista Home?) 2 of them opposed to 1?

    Is this something to be concerned about?

    Cons: Comes with Microsoft Windows Vista Home premium OS, which is less favorable than some similarly priced notebooks.For example, the Toshiba Satellite A135-S4487, a 6-pound notebook at around $855, comes with Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows Vista Home premium OS.The Toshiba Satellite A205-S5853 comes with no-frills word processing software ? if you often need access to special character sets you will likely need to upgrade to a more powerful office suite.Shared video memory has an adverse effect on system performance which may be okay for users with more modest graphics needs.Users with more demanding needs should look to a graphics solution that brings its own muscle.

  • 16 years ago

    Vista comes is several versions. You would want one for the friendly developed countries;
    Vista Home Basic 200 bucks for full version
    Vista Home Premium 240
    Vista Ultimate. 400

    Then also Vista Enterprise(bulk deal only) & Vista Business 300.

    There is also a 'Vista Standard' for the not so friendly or under-developed countries.

    Toshiba includes with Vista Basic some goodies to make it function very nearly the same as Vista Premium.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Microsoft Vista, choose an edition

  • 16 years ago

    Shared memory is a bummer but if your not a hyperactive gamer or do larger video or graphic editing , you'll hardly notice - unless of course you are used to $200 or the better graphic cards.

    No frills Word processor is usually Micosoft Works package that toshiba usually includes.... rather than Microsoft Office package with Word which is pricey option and toshiba usually includes it as a trial that expires in 90 days .more or less. if you dont pay for it.

  • 16 years ago

    Personally I prefer AMD processors and only buy computers with AMD, the ones I had with intel were never as favorable to me. I have been extremely pleased with all of my AMD computers.

    You know you can still find some brands of computers that sell brand new laptops with windows xp home and/or pro on them. You may want to look into that option rather than going with Vista.

    I just can not recommend Vista at this point in time yet for the average user. But that is of course my opinion.

  • 16 years ago

    I was just looking at a review of that laptop on amazon and the person said they got it at costco for $599. You might want to check there.
    According to that amazon info it comes with:
    Preloaded Software
    Microsoft Works 9.0, Google Desktop and Picasa, Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5, Norton 360 All-in-One Security (30-day trial), and Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student Edition (60-day trial).

    so it could be they were talking about the trial version of office 2007. (you can always get the free open office)

    I like to go to all the sites that have the reviews by real owners and read up on those, like AMazon, newegg, tigerdirect, epinions, etc.

  • 16 years ago

    I have been thinking of getting a laptop and this was recommended by a family member. What I was wondering is it worth the difference in price. It's around $1200. and I see lots of laptops for $500. I will get a 15% discount on the IBM. I will be playing games on it, but only games like solitare, cubis, mah jong, etc. I have a desk top, a lap top would just enable me to work from a recliner with my feet up. My legs swell if I sit with my feet down. Comments please.

    IBM laptops made by lenovo

    Basic requirements are:
    Processor: Dual/Quad core at least 2GHZ
    2GB ram
    100 GB hard drive
    Windows XP pro. (No vista)
    256MB video ram if you can get it

  • 16 years ago

    You know you can still find some brands of computers that sell brand new laptops with windows xp home and/or pro on them. You may want to look into that option rather than going with Vista.

    From what I have been reading, I think I would prefer XP.
    Nobody likes Vista!

    I was just looking at a review of that laptop on amazon and the person said they got it at costco for $599. You might want to check there.

    I already tried twice with no luck. He must have bought the last one!

  • 16 years ago

    stargazzer the IBM laptops are excellent products we have one and it is great. One of the best reasons for getting an IBM/lenovo today is that it is one of the few still selling them with xp on them. That alone to me is worth it.
    The type of gaming that people are talking about when they mention needing special requirements for gaming are not the kinds of games you mentioned they are usually games that use lots of resources and require special audio and video cards.
    For the run of the mill general games that come on most computers or that are online at game sites they do not take any special requirements.

    If you are going to want to have your laptop away from where your modem/router is and go wireless then you would need to make sure the laptop you purchase has those type options for wireless connections.
    Dual and Quad core are nice but if you are not doing some heavy duty stuff and not running vista it is not absolutely necessary at all. As to RAM 2 GB is good. Hard drive size depends on how much you will be storing on it but 100 GB is a good size for average user.
    I would check around for the model you are looking at by doing some google searches on the model number to see the price ranges, that sounds a bit high to me.

  • 16 years ago

    Welcome to the club!
    Too much for the old bod to sit too long on a chair that seems to get harder the longer I sit.
    Can't beat sitting and relaxing in a recliner to read what's on the computer.
    The fact that ALL help info for your new programs are electronic opposed to the good ole manuals we used to get, it is too hard on our body.

  • 16 years ago

    For me the move from a single core processor to the dual core was great thing. You can run something like AVG or Defrag while you still surf the web or work on graphics.

    Two programs each will use one of the cores so you dont notice any slowdowns that when doing the same type of thing on a single core processor you might just stop everything else youre doing while one program runs to completion.

    To me Vista has XP beat by a whole bunch for security and reliability. I really like vista a lot over xp for pretty much everything.
    It does Suck on transfering large files across networks, slow - and slow also just moving some larger files on the same hard drive. Some files when unzipping are terribly Slow.

    Once I learned my way around vista and became accustomed to clicking the adminstrator approval popups to access system files or install programs, which were very annoying for the first month or more - Vista has now become booring. Not much of anything to do to fix or maintain anything.

  • 16 years ago

    thanks for the comments. Urlee, it's h*** to get old but the other option is not very good either. I also find it is more frustrating to learn new ways of doing things, but I can do it when I have to. I had 98, then ME and it was a resource battle, after that XP was wonderful and I swore I would never upgrade. Yes I would want wireless and I always have to much computer for my needs. The younger people in my family, mostly the boys just say "WOW, it's a gamer" when they see my computers. LOL

    I have been putting off buying a laptop and I will have to think about this purchase a bit before I buy. when I asked my nephew about what I should buy, I was hoping he had an old one laying around. No such luck. (:o))

  • 16 years ago

    Stargazer; if you plan on using your laptop on your lap, you should look into getting a laptop cooler or make sure you have a big kitchen cutting board you can set your laptop on and not directly on your lap. Leaving it on your lap can cut off ventilation to the intakes vents on the bottom of the laptop and cause heat issues. A laptop should always be on a hard surface.
    ravencajun; I was initially unhappy with my Vista Ultimate and 3Gs of memory. My old Toshiba A70 with a "celery"processor and w/XPSP2 would load pages faster etc than this new Acer laptop. Abuddy of mine on another help forum gave me a fix and now this is lightning fast.
    Getting to know where everything is tucked away in this OS has been a learning process but painless (so far)

  • 16 years ago

    Mikie and Genes,

    I take it you both are using Windows Vista and find it works OK?
    I was hearing such horrible stories that frightened me about Vista.
    Does one have to have the battery in your laptop even tho used only on house current?

    As far as laptops,
    My problem is, I started out wanting one just to read electronic manuals that come with my new "toys" and programs I installed. Hate to sit here and read when I can sit back in the recliner. Been printing out to read but hard on the wallet! (ink/paper)
    I got a new movie/slide making program that has endless hints of how to's, but who can sit for hours here reading the help manual?
    The more I read on laptops, I see new goodies on them which intrigue me and wonder if I would be sorry after for not getting a better one? Then I read where people say on reviews what a wonderful machine it is except for one thing----it is Vista!
    I do not understand the electronics of it just like all I know is that you put the key in to start your car but what happens to make the car run??????
    Think of how nice it would be to kick off my shoes and relax with a laptop like reading a book only MORE interesting! "LOL"
    I do a lot of research on stuff to buy and that is where I NEED a laptop to do so.
    I want a new camcorder so bad but also a Laptop. I figured if I get the laptop first---- then I can research for a camera on it when ready.

  • 16 years ago

    thanks for the warning. I usually check for vents on things like the Nintendo, foot massager, etc.. I have a lap pad with the hard surface on the top and the beans on the bottom. I use that for a desk/table in my recliner.

  • 16 years ago

    My toshiba battery stays in full time even while on ac power which it is almost 24/7... only use battery power maybe an hour, three times per week.

    Battery, even though installed, does not receive any charge until it dips below 95%. Battery is located in a cooler area of the laptop so I don't think its getting any appreciable heat. Actually nothing gets appreciable heat excpt my right judo chopper ... that edge of the laptop is the only place I can feel any heat and only occasionally, so probably somthing is working hard when I feel it.

    Probably about every other month the laptop will run on the battery to discharge it down to around 10% charge level to exercise it, which I think the manual tells you to do - and then it only takes slightly more than 2 hrs to fully charge it.
    I used to get the daily local newspaper delivered,, I forget, not cheap. But maybe just throwing it out was the main Pia. I still read the same newspaper online, and dont have to worry about throwing the trees the pages are made of away. Nor paying for them.
    Plus I read lots of other news online. Research my neighors hypocrondiacisim and meds, as well as most everything I buy.

    I'm supposed to be on a sodium controlled diet, hospital gal told me to try to keep sodium intake around 2000mg per day - if I cheat, she said, with a sub or pizza I can always make up for it by eating nothing but ice cream the next day or two because its no to very low sodium ...
    How much sodium is in a domino's supreme pizza... wow, thats online - I eat a lot of ice cream.

    What's on tv,,, go to NASCAR.com, sPEEDTV.com, or yahoo tv guide.
    Wonder if walgreens has bowls, I keep breaking bowls.. hey thats online... 2 for $1.50 (they used to be 50¢ ea.) I hate shopping store to store, much easier to look online first. That's how I bought my laptop, my tv, search at Staples, OfficeDepot, BestBuy, CircuitCity,, and search online to see if any significant price at an etailer difference.

    If you can edit video on your desktop, you really dont need anything fancy in a laptop to surf the net or read pdf' files, or do light graphics.
    I have an old desktop with a decent video card and can edit or do anything on that computer.
    While its really nice to have a fast everything in a lsptop,,, I really dont need fast video/fast processing on my laptop,, I'm cheap, but that still is a waste of money to me... those type of programs that really need fast video processing or lots of processor power I can still run on any laptop remotely from the desktop,, and it may be a little sluggish - If it is I need to feel fast I can always take over and run the complete desktop remotely with the laptop. Not a big deal here, except I have to go power on the desktop, cause I'm cheap and dont want to leave it running full time and pay its power bill of 130watts x 24hrs when its doing nothing but sitting idle on standby.

  • 16 years ago

    I have my new Acer hooked up to my cable outlet and also run a TrendNet wireless router which my older Toshiba A70 is connected to which gives me portability in moving it around the house (if needed). Didnt think that I would be fussy about Vista either, new OS (again) but after a month or so, I am pretty confident in finding things. Most are in the same places that XP had them. Was a little disenchanted about the page loading speeds and download rates but a buddy of mine on another Help forum passed on a fix and now this new Acer is smokin.
    Acer 7720-6604:
    17" Widescreen Notebook PC
    Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 mobile processor
    Windows Vista Ultimate 64BIT
    3GB System memory
    320GB Hard Drive
    8X DVD Super-Multi drive
    NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 512MB dedicated graphics
    802.11a/b/g/Draft-N, gigabit Ethernet, 56k Modem
    Dolby certified surround sound, 2 speakers plus subwoofer
    5-in-1 Media Card Reader & integrated webcam.
    Not too shabby for $1300. My old Toshiba A70 (which was low end Celeron etc) cost me $1500 five years ago and this is way more laptop. A comparible Toshiba would have cost me close to $2000, That was the reason for the switch of manufacturers

    Here is a link that might be useful: Full specs here

  • 16 years ago

    I just bought a Dell laptop, Vostro 1500 with XP. Didn't want to deal with Vista right now. Put everything Vista will need (if & when I switch.) I'm hoping I don't have to.


  • 16 years ago

    I found one I want soooooooo bad but it is at CCity and I am afraid to order it from them???????
    I read so many not so good reports.

    Anyone have good reports?

  • 16 years ago

    well don't get any warranty from them I just read that they are/did filing bankruptcy so they may not be around to uphold the warranty. Who knows though seems some shut down one day then reopen the next week.

  • 16 years ago

    I have bought several things from circuit city and its a local store for me. I respect their business,, but have no like at all really their sales staff who seem to ignore me in flip flops and well worn jeans because I only have a few hundred bucks cash to spend my pocket. They'd rather sell thumb drives and blank dvd's to well dressed people.

  • 16 years ago

    I have never heard of CC's problem. I have bought all of my PCs there and they replaced my first one with one of equal value. The problem wasn't the computer's it was a user problem. LOL I don't always get help right away, but as soon as I get spotted they come right over, smiling and offering help. I can get my PC cleaned there for $20 and they will do a check up on it.

  • 16 years ago

    I guess experiences vary from one CC to another. I have bought most of my computer equipment from them and much prefer the local CC to the local BB. Last month we bought a Sony 40" HDTV from CC. It was on sale in their circular that weekend, and I also get regular e-mails with their specials. By ordering online, we saved an additional 10% off the sale price in the circular, plus got free delivery. I ordered on Sunday; it was delivered Monday afternoon. Can't ask for better service than that. I would always buy a warranty from the manufacturer rather than from any retailer.

  • 16 years ago

    Was all set to order from Toshiba when it was taken off their site so I had more work ahead of me. (exhausted from)

    Does this sound like a good one for a person who likes to work with graphics and movie making?
    The one I was going to order had T8100 Processor.
    How does this one P7350, compare with T8100?

    Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 2.00 GHz Processor
    3 MB L2 Cache, 1066 MHz Bus speed
    3072 MB DDR2 (PC2-6400) RAM Max: 4 GB
    500 GB (Two 250GB, 5400 RPM) SATA Hard Drive
    15.4" diagonal WXGA (1280 x 800) TruBrite TFT LCD display
    Built-in Webcam and Microphone
    Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD with up to 1294MB shared Graphics Memory
    Labelflash DVD±R/RW Super Multi Drive with Double Layer
    Harman/Kardon Stereo Speakers
    FM Tuner with Antenna
    Intel Wi-Fi Link 5100 802.11a/g/n Wireless
    10/100 Ethernet LAN
    5-in-1 Bridge Media Adapter: MMC, SD, MS, MS Pro, xD
    ExpressCard 54/34 Slot
    4 x USB 2.0, Headphone out; Microphone-in, VGA, TV-Out (S-Video, IEEE-1394, RJ-45
    Approximate Unit Dimensions: 14.3" (W) x 10.5" (D) x 1.52" (H)
    Approximate Unit Weight: 6.0 Pounds

  • 16 years ago

    Toshiba Satellite Notebook T2370 @ Best Buy for $400

    Here is a link that might be useful: Best Buy

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