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Windows Live Mail--------

13 years ago

for windows 7.

Where in the heck is the send & receive button?

Also:I can send mail using my server (default) but nothing received. Do I have to click the sync button to be able to receive mail from my server? And if I do click that button, what will it do?

Comments (48)

  • 13 years ago

    On mine it is under the home tab to the far right. I don't know a bought sync. I don't use those large tool bars, I use the quick access bar.

  • 13 years ago

    on mine it is top left, you havee to click on little square and then NEW

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    Try this: 1. open your start menu and search "cmd" 2. Right click on the search result which should be a program and run as admin 3. when the command box open type "sfc /scannow" 4. Restart the computer after it is done. 5. See if the problem still persists On a side note there is a good chance it might ask for the windows 7 disc if have the appropriate disc pop it in. If not purchase or complain to windows and they might send you the install disc if they are in a really good mood or if you have a friend who has one all the same. All it is really asking for is a comparison. Ultimately, what sfc /scannow does is checks the integrity of windows related files and repairs them if needed. Try that and if that is not the case I might suggest a bit more radical solution. This post was edited by pipsydoodles on Thu, Mar 6, 14 at 23:51
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    I did a search and couldn't find an answer so I usually come here to ask for help. I get a box when I shut down the mail....."You have unsent messages in your Outbox"....NO I DON"T!! Also, every time I turn on my mail and then later when I turn it off I get this box....."Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review....etc." This box started when I sent an email that was returned because it didn't have the right address. How do I get rid of these two boxes? Thanks!!!!!
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  • 13 years ago

    I meant the send & receive one that shows before you open the mail to write a message like Outlook Express has like this!


    It shows it here in instructions for WLM win 7??????


  • 13 years ago

    Windows Live Mail is a big Farce!

    They say there is a Windows Live Hotmail, Windows Mail for Vista, and Windows Live Mail for Windows 7.

    We are led to believe there are 3 different Windows Live Mail when they are ALL from the SAME seed!
    They just omit or change an option to try to mislead you into thinking it is not the same when the layout and works are all the same.
    I HATE the way you CAN'T and HAVE to insert a picture compared to Outlook Express.
    If you want to insert more than one, you have no control of placement.
    Had I known that, I would not have installed it for the same reason I did not use the Hotmail one.

  • 13 years ago

    Urlee, my friend

    Take a breath before I have to dial 911. :)

    To help you find something to your pleasure please share what you want from an e-mail client. Before you share, remember things change, evolve, and ride off into the sunset. We as users have to be prepared to adapt.


  • 13 years ago

    this is an online webmail client that I have been using for quite some time and really like they have a very active forum that is quite good for any issues you come up with and they are constantly improving things, it is free so you might try setting one up and see how you like it, it is extremely easy to have it fetch your other accounts also one of the easiest I have used.

    I quit using on board email years ago I much prefer using a web based email.

  • 13 years ago

    I agree with RC as to web based mail. However, I have configured Thunderbird to access two of my accounts; family and financial. The remaining three are done on-line. Since all the accounts are or I have them configured to one another.


  • 13 years ago

    I like my on board email. My server has online but I don't like it. To much nonsense, ads or whatever, on it. I hated WLM at first with the 3 or 4 huge tool bars, but when I set up the quick access bar it's just like the others except for a couple of small changes. I can insert photos where ever I want them. I have not found a way to set the back ground color through the email, but found a way in two other places that change from the bright white to a soft color.

  • 13 years ago

    I just want to clarify a bit here if you don't mind.

    Outlook Express was superseded by Windows Mail in Vista.

    Windows Mail was superseded by Windows Live Mail in Win7.

    The above mail clients are Windows mail clients and are not web based and can only be accessed from the computer in which the "Programs" are installed upon.

    Windows Live Hotmail is not and is a totally unrelated mail client formerly known as MSN Hotmail which is operated by Microsoft as part of its Windows Live group. It is a web based mail that can be accessed from anywhere, from any computer.

    Here is a link that might be useful: What's the difference between Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Hotmail and MSN

  • 13 years ago

    Urlee, if WLM is causing you so much grief, give Thunderbird a try. You might like it as DA does. I tried it and decided it isn't for me.

    Yes, I still like OE better, but when my XP computer finally goes to XP heaven, I feel fairly comfortable with WLM on Windows 7. No big deal.

  • 13 years ago

    Vala 55, but when I set up the quick access bar it's just like the others except for a couple of small changes. I can insert photos where ever I want them.
    Could you please tell me how on earth you were able to insert photos where ever you want them without that enclosed box they are in and what is the quick access bar?
    I have had problems with putting my own text separately under the 1st picture then when inserting another picture the text flew someplace else.

    Thank you for the link in clarification. I was just going by the way the layout was and the insertion of photos etc.
    I hate that enclosed deal with the add text.

    DA, You are a sweetheart for being so patient and thoughtful where I am concerned.

    RC, Thank you too. I have yet to look up your URL.

    grandms,WLM just disappointed me in that it looked and acted identical to the WLHotmail I had had experience with.

  • 13 years ago

    Maybe I am wrong, but I do believe the correct reference for on-line e-mail is account or service rather than client. Client would be the application on the system used for e-mail most often, but not limited to, an ISP provided address.

    Then to confuse the issue entirely, what should we call a client which is configured to utilize an account/service? For example, my client, Thunderbird, is configured for two Hotmail accounts. I guess it would still be a client.


  • 13 years ago

    Urlee, I am not sure how I activated it, I was so frustrated with my email at that time. Just try right clicking on the top bar that shows home view, etc.. If I do that now there is an option to show it above the ribbon or below, click on below. When it's activated I open home and right click on any tool I want on the QAB. Mine asks if I want it added, click on that option. Then go on down the line with view, folders etc.. I put the usual icons there, New, fonts, color, insert photo, send and receive, etc.. When I want to insert a photo I just click on icon and it goes where my cursor is. There were a couple of items I did not find right away, but "stumbled" across a place that had or downloaded dozens of items there.

    Sorry I can't give more detail instructions.

  • 13 years ago

    Go to Tools and then select Sync All. It takes two clicks in place of the simple "check mail" on older mail programs and I don't like that, but that is how I do it because I gave up on Outlook Express years ago. I loved OE but I could never keep it going. Something always got messed up and I then used Outlook Mail until I got a new computer and I didn't have Office on that computer. For me, OE is too prone to bugs and I am very satisfied with Windows Live Mail once I decided to use it, experiment with it, and get used to it.

  • 13 years ago

    Have you searched for tutorials for WLM? I'm sure there must be some good ones so that you don't have to try discovering everything for yourself.

  • 13 years ago

    Oh wow! You lovely people came to my rescue again!

    raven, I didn't click on any yet but when I seen those, my eyes lit up and I felt like I did on Christmas when a kid.

    Thanks loads. I am sure those are just what I need!
    Now to dig in.

  • 13 years ago

    Before I go any further:

    This may be my problem. This is what I am dealing with: I don't have the Home, Folders ,etc.etc. or ability to choose above/below ribbon/quick view etc.or look anything like the picture shown in that first link of RC's.
    What do you think? Does yours look like this?


  • 13 years ago

    Well, it turns out I am using Version 2009 on my XP desk top. I have Vista on my laptop and searched to find a netbook with XP because I had read that Windows 7 wasn't fantastic.

  • 13 years ago

    Windows Live Mail Wave 4 Ribbon GUI

    it sounds like you have the quick access toolbar hidden
    have you tried right clicking up on the top bars and look for options there?

    here are some things I found on a forum where someone is having a similar problem

    Ctrl-A for Select All

    ALT+F for Options.

    "Can you see a bar at the very top of the window that has a few icons then the "unread email- Windows Live Mail to the right of those?
    If you can, there is a down expanding arrow , click on that then you can customize quick access tool bar. I think you will be able to do what you want to do then."

    do you know which version of live mail you have?

  • 13 years ago

    I tried to post screen shots of my email screens but my email address shows up in it. I even used roxio to take it out and it is out until I post them. sorry

  • 13 years ago

    OK raven,
    Here is my story:
    There was a link on this forum to download windows live 2011 mail which I clicked to get. I saved it to my download file and when I tried to install it, a message popped up saying I already have WLM. So, I clicked on Start, looked at All Programs and seen a folder named windows live. I clicked it and got WLM from that. Of course I had to enter my ISP address and go on from there. That is the one I am using.
    You asked what version I have so I checked and it says version 2009? The company I bought this computer from had already put that on here and it didn't update to the 2011 I tried to get.
    While searching here for that 2011 link, I came across this post:I have just gotten a new Dell Studio Laptop 1558 running Windows 7, and it came with Windows 7 Live Mail. This is supposed to be the newer, fancier version of Windows Live Mail. Unfortunately, I HATE this newer version, and want the older version. This new one has a feature called "Quick Access" which shows and separtes mail from more than one email account.
    In OE it all came in at one place, and that's what I want again. My question is, does anyone know if it's possible to get rid of the "Quick Access" part and then compact the email so I don't have to keep bouncing back and forth from one account to the other? I just want to read it all at once like I have before? If not, I wonder if I can find the older version Live Mail. I know it's not possible to use OE anymore, but surely there's a better solution than this.
    Thank you so much for your help.

    Maybe I am better off with this older version like she wants?

    Now, what I want to tell you is----I experimented to find I CAN insert pictures etc. just like in OE WITHOUT that darn enclosure AND one after another without effecting what I type in between.
    PROGRESS! So, I may just learn to like what I am using and sorry to be so harsh at this program when it may just work OK.
    There are things that are better in OE. A couple of them had to do with the sending and receiving and I just found the sending one that made me happy which was the ability to see the progress bar as the mail is being sent. WALLA!

    * vala55 (My Page) on Thu, Mar 17, 11 at 20:40
    I tried to post screen shots of my email screens but my email address shows up in it. I even used roxio to take it out and it is out until I post them. sorry
    Thank you for trying. If you had a program that would blur your personal stuff like I did in my upper graphic here, you would be in your glory. It also can be covered up or erased.

    I guess I will experiment more and hope I find the hows to make "Life easier" with using WLM.

  • 13 years ago

    Ctrl A is Select All in most Windows based applications. Single click on any one of the entries in an application window, then Ctrl A. All the entries will be marked. Great for deleting or copying files.


  • 13 years ago


    Look what I did in WLMail.

  • 13 years ago

    Okay, you can't leave it like that. How did you do that.

  • 13 years ago

    Sorry, I look at your photo closer and we don't have the same email software, so it wouldn't work anyway.

  • 13 years ago

    I sent you two emails. Did you get them?


  • 13 years ago

    Yes...........I replied to both.

  • 13 years ago

    Wonder why I didn't get them????
    Will check the spam folder?

    NO nothing. I wonder if garden web is sending to my old hotmail which I stopped using and changed here to gmail which they evidently didn't correct.

    Did the 2nd one work for you?

  • 13 years ago

    No it didn't. The emails didn't come back. I copied the hotmail addy and sent the 2nd reply from my email account. Your's was a hotmail account.

  • 13 years ago

    Ok vala,
    That is why I didn't get them cause I stopped using hotmail in hopes it would desolve. "lol"

  • 13 years ago

    WLM scored another point!
    Hang in there, it IS likable.


  • 13 years ago did you do that? I can get a picture on like that, but can't figure how out to put the text over it...

    And..have you figured out if we can add wavs or midis?

  • 13 years ago

    I miss the option to add wavs to my emails. I have some very entertaining ones. You would have to smile when you receive it.

  • 13 years ago

    I know...I do, too :o)

  • 13 years ago

    Ok, Now I suspect it must work with all versions but my version WLM is version 9 which came with this Windows 7 laptop.
    maybee, in order to write on top of it, the picture has to be a stationary. Have you ever made stationary in OE? It is the same way in WLM using the wizard. I will see if I can write the steps here to follow.
    Open New Message
    Go up and click on Format
    Apply Stationary
    More Stationary
    Click on Create New (in the box that popped up)
    Wizard pops up/click Next
    Click Browse to find your picture. (1600x1200 size)
    Leave Position Top/Left alone
    Do not Tile
    Color of your choice I left blank
    Pick your font/size/color/bold
    Left margin 25
    Top Margin 25
    Name it
    Click OK
    It should appear ready for your text.
    I find anything smaller than 1600x1200 for some reason won't fill the screen on here (laptop) maybe cause it is a wide screen?
    Hope you can follow what I jotted down here.

    vala, I am going to get the wavs going but think they won't work on gmails? I will see what I come up with.

  • 13 years ago

    Let me warn you that sometimes (always?) the wizard does not obey the rules in what is put for font, size, and color so you may have to regulate that when you compose your mail.

    Next time you compose, you can just pick it from stationary that's there.

    Also, because of the dark image, (not faded out) it takes long to send and receive on dialup but may be different for broadbanders?

  • 13 years ago

    And..have you figured out if we can add wavs or midis?

    YAY! WLM came through AGAIN! I sent myself a .wav (gmail to gmail in WLM) and when I opened my message, the song played in the background. WHOOPIE!
    I do have to experiment more tho to be able to know more.
    It works the SAME as you do it in OE!

  • 13 years ago

    I can't find where you click on format....

  • 13 years ago

    What version WLM do you have?
    to see

  • 13 years ago

    maybee I have WLM 2011 and can't find format on it, nor can I do stationary or wavs.

  • 13 years ago

    I also have WLM 2011...there was a option to check for previous versions and there were no options available....I can't do stationery or wavs eithers....bummer

  • 13 years ago

    I will have to go on my laptop (WLM) to see something-----
    Do you have your Menu Bar showing with the New Message open?

    This one was done using Outlook Express and 1280x1024 works perfect on there. I leave the margins at 0 instead of 25's. I thought that was for text indentations.


  • 13 years ago

    Maybee when I googled the problem I found out there are a lot of unhappy campers out there regarding this omission.

  • 13 years ago

    I just got done googling to see if I could help and came up with no info on it as far as stationery goes for 2011.

    Maybe it was a good thing my computer already had WLM to where I was stopped in trying to install 2011.

    I better keep my version then.

  • 13 years ago

    At least they let us use our first that was hard to do...not impossible, but hard.

    Urlee...I do all that sort of stuff with my Outlook Express also....I have Outlook Express on one computer (and love it) and have Windows Live on the other and it's no fun at all...

  • 13 years ago

    Maybee I have W7 and WLM 2011 and have no problem at all. I hit enter to get below the text in my message. Then I just click on photo/picture and browse to my clip art folder. I use the quick access tool bar. Without that I would have to click on insert, then single photo.

  • 13 years ago

    Urlee...I do all that sort of stuff with my Outlook Express also....I have Outlook Express on one computer (and love it) and have Windows Live on the other and it's no fun at all...
    maybee, I am so sorry and sympathize with you as I felt horrible about WLM as you could tell at the start of this thread. Now I have to confess I like it as well (almost) as I do Outlook Express as I am finding (after learning) I can do the same as I do in OE. There are a few differences just done in a different way.