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Just starting the build ...what order to think about things?

16 years ago

We are just getting underway with our build (just got the foundation permit) and I am getting my ducks in order of things I need to be watching for and making decisions on. Any particular order I should be doing this? Our house is a semi-spec home and we have a fair amount of allowances and items we will be making decisions on (e.g. complete kitchen, flooring, tile in baths and possibly kitchen backsplash, exterior and interior paint, fireplace, lighting fixtures, bath fixtures, stair rail and treads, shingle color, etc.) We will be reviewing the lot layout, septic layout, property and tree lines onsite next week. Otherwise we are currently researching and getting designs and quotes on kitchen design, flooring and the fireplace.

Also, a regional question ...anyone in New England (more specifically northern MA) know of a good new construction inspector or retired contractor we could hire for phased inspections?


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