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Looks like I really messed up on colors.

17 years ago

Our house is finishing today. Carpet installed last night, acres of brown! It's too dark, and I just didn't see that when we brought a sample home. Only good thing is it brings out the beige tones, rather than the gray ones, in our marble FP and bathroom, and in the kitchen tile, which is good. Doesn't go with our oak very well, though.

Our stucco outside, which was pink yesterday, today is about the color that crayon boxes used to have, called "flesh". Sort of a medium Caucasian, I guess. I don't think they make that color any more in crayons.

Live and learn, I guess. DH just says to remember that we like it all. I'm trying.

I've been feeling unexcited about our house lately; last night realized it was because I was still holding a grudge against the tile guy who didn't finish the job despite being paid, so I left him a message this morning wishing him well and telling him not to worry about it. I want to be able to enjoy our new house without thinking about him.

I'll take some pix to post after we're all moved in and some of the carpet is covered up. Maybe our stucco will have moved on to a nice suntan color in a week or so.

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