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Desparate again. New computer, HATE it

17 years ago

Well, I have my a computer, one that is supposedly equipped with all the bells and whistles.

I have a Dell E520, and Winsows XPwith 3 1/2 tons of stuff, a 19-inch flat screen monitor, cable internet...and I'd give anything to have my old, slow, broken down system back.

I'm at the tears and screaming phase now. Here are my problems and I'd bless the soul that can offer any help or suggestions.

The fonts and icons are TINY. I can't see them. Twenty minutes of computer time gives me a terrivle headache. The letters on my fonts are about 1/8 of an inch tall. I could make them huge on my old system.

I've tried the "Size" button on the top toolbar. The difference is miniscule. If I move the percentage button on the bottom bar the change is only temporary and everything is pixelated to the point I can't read it.

My "Favorites" list is so tiny I can't read them.

The "Icons" are less than 1/4 inch; I can't see them either.

The mouse will not work on hyperlinks. It will hover above and to the right of them and then I can click.

On many of my forums lines of text are superimposed over one another. It's cr@ppie.

And cable internet...let's not go there. I'd go back to slow dial-up in a heartbeat. What's the point of having lots of fast pages that you can't see.

I've just tossed nearly $2,000 into the wind and I'm physically sick about it.

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