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Other computer forums?


I normally spend as little time on computer related information gathering as I can. [g] I will spend the time to learn what I need, to do what I want, but a computer is a means to an end to me. Lots of times, I learn how to do something I need to know on the computer, then it is 3 years before I have to do it again and I forget. I always feel like a novice, even after using a computer since 1993. I know enough to get by, but that's about it. Right now, the only forums I visit are the Dell Community Forum for support for my Dell and the Firefox forums when I have questions about the Firefox browser etc.

This forum is great and everyone has been helpful and knowledgeable, but it is not always very active. I seem to always find myself in a hurry. So I was hoping to find a few more computer forums that might be more active?

Does anyone on this forum visit other computer forums that they might recommend?



Comments (47)

  • 17 years ago

    You might try out this one.

  • 17 years ago

    I spend a lot of time reading the posts at Tech Support Guy

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    Two steps backwards, one step forward. While dealing with the impending death of my own pc's hard drive, I had plenty of time to work on her computer. I opened the case. Cleaned out the dust bunnies much more thoroughly than I had in October. I found the fan - and actually took it out and cleaned it thoroughly (mostly compressed air, and a little damp cloth). I did remove the label and add a drop of WD 40. (While I was at it, I searched for replacement fans in case this didn't work - and bookmarked some - it would be so simple to replace if needed.) Put the pieces back together and started it up. Still noisy. I started organizing her files, deleting duplicates and ridiculous things she didn't even know she had on there. I put everything in logical folders - then copied her 16GB of video (Ipod videos and flip share) onto a 32mb flash drive. Deleted 8gb of that video bc. it's also on her ipod. Then I ran auslogics defrag. Defrag was 100% successful - and she now has about 15GB free on a 40GB drive. Now the noise is less. I hear the fan a little - but you have to stop to listen. Not sure if it just took running a little for the oil to do it's thing. From what folks said earlier, it's unlikely that freeing up space and defragging reduced the noise. So far, so good. (I even think I could have turned it on with the case open - but i didn't have to.) Thanks. Lynn.
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  • 17 years ago


    There are hundreds out there. Most are civilised but a few can be ignorant, just pass those by.

    For Canadians who may not be aware of this site
    Red Flag Deals

  • 17 years ago

    Nobody goes to BroadBandReports.com ? Also known as DSLreports.com
    Forums there for Windows and isp's, hardware, etc - mostly computer and IT related.
    Not much rose growing advise there though.

  • 17 years ago

    I use DSLreportds occasionally Mickie but I find it difficult to find my way. Probably because I do not visit enough, I realise the problem is with me rather than the site.

  • 17 years ago

    I just go straight to the dslreports main forums. Been hanging around there since 1999 I think.
    There's a lot of combined computer knowledge around there.

    hmm, spellcheck is learning my way of spelling, it didnt find anything wronk.

  • 17 years ago


    Forums dedicated to specific issues such as software, i.e. Zone Alarm, or a single focus, i.e. viruses, seem to maintain a continuous flow of threads. Help forums seem to ebb and flow with the seasons and the holidays.

    Historically this forum slows to a crawl in the Summer and during the December holidays. In the Fall, after the holidays and during tax refund time this forum tends to pick up. The Fall activity is obvious as users return inside, the other two instances seem to reflect the time of the year when new systems are purchased.


  • 17 years ago

    This forum has always been my favorite because it is so easy to navigate and also very WebTv/MSNTV2 friendly. Rarely do I ever surf when I'm on my computer and I use my WebTv/MSNTV2 for that purpose including reading this forum which I have done since 1999. My BIG complaint is that since IVillege took over this place has been taken over by popups, banners and all sorts of ads flashing constantly! I know it may not bother most of you, but for those of us who still use dialup it is a pain. My receiver does have a popup blocker and it lets me know when its block something, but that doesn't stop some of the other adds that take over and cause me to back out of messages sometimes, plus the load time takes forever!. All of this seems like a travesty for a computer forum where people come for help to stop this type of stuff from taking over their computers.

    I'll still come here to read, but I sure miss the days when we could pay a yearly fee to eliminate all this stuff :o(

    Thanks for the links to those other forums. I'll check them out too. Back in the day Spike would not have allowed posting those links ;o)

  • 17 years ago

    Gosh I forgot about that. A post with a referral to another Forum would have banished you to Disney in the blink of an eye. In fact, the whole thread may have been pulled. I do now recall exchanging links behind the scenes via e-mails.


  • 17 years ago

    Msm84, I know this will sound like an echo, but which browser are you using?

    Firefox with extensions will eliminate those pesky popups,etc.

    I never get them. I encourage you to try it.

    DA, as I was reading msm84's message I was thinking about the "old days" when links to competing forums got Spike's attention in a heartbeat. Couldn't blame him.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Firefox

  • 17 years ago


    The site was his and it was a business to him. How can I say what was right and what was wrong? I do think it was a bit naive to think restricting forum exposure would hinder an exchange of information. All it did was make it covert. Maybe if I was in his position I too would have felt that way.


  • 17 years ago

    I sent you an email for what you requested.

  • 17 years ago

    When I had my first computer problem I found this site I ended up joining it an have been a member for a long time I refer folks from here that need additional help with Malware, it has a nice malware forum and a basic computer help forum so it is very easy to navigate and deals with simple to complex problems.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Help2go

  • 17 years ago

    Over the years I have seen members start a new forum...like a Computer Help Forum, and then try and draw members away from here. That is I think in direct violation of the terms of service. I don't see anything wrong with a casual mention of another forum occasionally...a lot of the places we refer folks to for free things have their own forums.

    I kind of see it this way...one wouldn't go on the Weight Watchers Forum and encourage folks to go to the Jenny Craig forum.

    Did any of that make sense? I for one am especially glad ole Spiko is gone. He sent me to Disney for no good reason...just like he did to a lot of other innocent folks.

  • 17 years ago

    I am new and do not know Spiko, but limiting people from information and resources is backward thinking and impedes progress, it's the information highway use it for what it was intended for, when a user needs help I will use every resource I have to help including other forums, that is where the answers are to some very difficult problems to solve and a resource that should be used, I have also linked people here for information..

    My forum philosophy Attraction rather then promotion

  • 17 years ago


    You missed in my first post that I come here using my WebTv/MSNTV2 and NOT on my computer. I do use Firefox on my computer, but rarely surf or use it for anything other then my photo work and websites. With my WebTv/MSNTV2 it has IE and I view the internet on my TV so I don't have any control over which browser I can use. I was just pointing out the fact that this site is now filled with all the stuff people come here for help with and I know there are still alot of computer users who haven't been convience to switch from IE because they don't like change or have no clue what a difference it can make for the safety and performance of their computer.

    I'll put up with all the stuff this site and others bombard me with and continue to use my WebTv/MSNTV2 for surfing and general use because I can check ALL of my email accounts and do my surfing without worry of a virus or malware/spyware. Its worth the extra cost to me.

    DA, How could you forget about Spike and Disneyland *lol*

    chem, I was band too years ago so I know how you feel. He had his favorites and no one was allowed to question those favorites or call them on the rug ;o)

    BTW, I was banded from one of the garden forums not this one.

  • 17 years ago

    I agree with Zep's assessment, the internet is for the dissemination of information. When I listed those sites I never promoted any of them, just offered solutions to a request for computer help. I am a member of all of them and one is my home page.

    There is little fear of most members here deserting this place. They realise they can come here and mostly get answers they need.

    The comment about this site being quiet at times is a fact repeated throughout the internet. The reasons are many and varied but mostly computers have become much more stable and user friendly so the number of problems is reduced considerably.

    I too am a post Spike arrival LOL - I'll wager he got very rich very quickly when he sold this place. I heard this morning on the radio that Microsoft has offered $46 BILLION for Yahoo

  • 17 years ago

    owbist, I agree with you and Zep too. I find nothing wrong with recommending other sites because in most cases it can confirm advise given and utilize the internet the way it is meant to be used. Information, Information, Information!

    With that said; One of the best things about this forum is that people do not have to wade through folders to look for information or try and figure out where to ask a question. This is especially nice for newbies and that makes it less intemidating and confussing.

  • 17 years ago

    Thank you all for the links. I hadn't even thought that I was asking something that would be a little questionable. Sorry [g] I think I was here when Spike was here but never had any interaction with him. I have heard/read the stories about him and many references to 'Disneyland'. Which would have been funny if he had threatened but not actually banned so many people for pretty flimsy reasons.

    I have bookmarked the other sites, but find I am coming back here just as often and I think part of it is as msm84 pointed out...a little intimidating figuring out where to post and a LOT of info to wade through.

    Still, it is nice to have options and a larger base to search, especially when you are under time constraints.


  • 17 years ago

    Try this site

    Here is a link that might be useful: Virtual Dr

  • 17 years ago


    You didn't make any mistakes by posting your question at all! I was just pointing out that "way back when" those questions where never asked and now its ok. Things have come along way since the "Spike" days *lol*

    I'm like you and always seem to come back here even just to read because there is always something to learn and this forum is great for that. I also google alot to get further information and visit other forums, but this is the only site I am registered at or post in when it comes to computers and the gardening forums.

    So many of the people here I feel like I have known for years and miss those who have past on.

  • 17 years ago

    msm84 Wrote:
    This forum has always been my favorite because it is so easy to navigate

    I echo that.
    Also, no matter what time of year, every time I've come here with a question it's been responded to very quickly.

    I DO understand the ebb and flow of certain forums (try being from S. Calif and asking a question about planting in December. All I got were echos. lol) but here, someone with lots of computer knowledge has always popped in no matter the time of year and given me the greatest advice.
    For that, I am sooooo greatful!

    Heck, even if I don't need advice I pop in here a couple times a week to see the questions and responses.
    Usually there is a question that I would be asking sooner or later so I learn, even if I don't ask -- neat, huh?!

    Before finding this forum I visited the AOL Helping Hands message board.
    I think the name has been changed since AOL changed their whole message board system a couple years back so I don't have an updated link.
    But there were two folks there at the time, no matter the time of day or night, one of them would be responding to questions.
    It was nice because when I'd have a problem, being an insomniac, my questions/problems usually came in the wee hours of the morning.

    Thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and knowledge here at GW's Computer Forum to help the rest of us --You're all terrific!

  • 17 years ago

    I occasionally read at other forums, but never ask anything. I think I did once, and was told I had asked in the wrong place, or to do a search or something. Anyway...it was rude and I never went back.

    What I really like here, is being familiar with the many many helpful folks here. I feel at ease asking that members dumb things down and keep it very simple for me. A lot of you know how challenged I am...lol. I appreciate all that.

    I did a search on Disney Spike with domain name gardenweb.com. Lots of fun threads came up about ole Spiko. There are 100 threads and several I read are hilarious.

    When he left, banned members were all reinstated, I think. The new management dropped the immature (and I've wondered if illegal) practice of sending banned members to the Disneyland site when they tried to post to GW. I doubt if Disney would have liked being used for punishment for unruly members. Just my 2 cents though.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Disney Spike search at gardenweb.com

  • 17 years ago

    He probably got a nickle commission for each referral to Disney's home page and another 5% commission on anything they might have purchased while there.

    He banned some kid having fun here messing up things by blocking at least a block of 256 ip's, which included everybody on that particular verizons server... myself included, and gosh knows how many others from my area. Stayed blocked for 6 months. Had to use a proxy server to post here but could read the forums.

  • 17 years ago

    I've learned so many things here at the forum too. and felt ok to ask. I got sent to Disney once because I sent the same message to two different forums. I wanted to know if anyone was interested in requesting a Preparedness Forum and made the mistake of using the same title in both Thread subject lines.

    Well, happy memories now I guess haha

  • 17 years ago

    So having looked over the link Sue provided for those sent to Disney I am totally confused. What did you have to pay annually for the priviledge of being banned?

    Actually I find it a little amusing that folks paid someone to get free information, advice, help from someone else. And to have to tread carefully on top of that seems very odd.

  • 17 years ago

    Here is my take on things. Initially all the forums were free. As the site grew bigger and bigger and maybe as problems developed as trolls hung out regularly at some of the forums, Spiko made a lot of the forums accessible to only paying members. The fee was $15. I'm not sure if that was to have been for lifetime, or if it was just for a year, since I just got my computer and found this place in 2004 and paid then. I'm not sure when iVillage (or someone else) bought it, and made all the forums free.

    And to have to tread carefully on top of that seems very odd.
    One didn't really have to tread lightly...there were just many things that could get one banned that were not stated in the rules anywhere.

    One of the unstated rules was that members trading plants and seeds were not allowed to pass bad trader information either through the GW emails (I wondered if he read those or had filters), or even via private (non GW) emails.

    I was banned as a result of a private email about bad traders that he got wind of. Sheesh. He had no right to concern himself with what I said in a non GW email.

    I am so glad he and his antics are long gone. Oftentimes there was just no logic behind his bannings.

    I did read in one of the threads that Disney was befuddled by the onslaught of email with complaints about them having invaided their computers or something like that. I'll post a link, if I happen back on it.

    If someone else has a different take on things and the fees please feel free to dispute what I have trusted to memory, which is not the best anymore.


  • 17 years ago

    There was a time a while back when I went on sabattical from this forum and all the "oldtimers" know why as I sent them private e-mails with the specifics of my distain. Basically, I did not like the direction two domineering members were taking the forum. Enough said on that.

    I did however post a "Goodbye" thread and made a veiled reference to my reasons. POW! I was sent to Disney.

    I remained there until the site was sold. It was Pooh Bear who wrote to the new people and spoke on my behalf and I was allowed to return. For this I am ever grateful.

    I do miss some of the old members, some of which are no longer with us, but I find those whom I have to refer to as newer members capable, civil and enjoyable.

    And still to this day I support concepts of civility and self-help first.


  • 17 years ago

    Well, I am happy that I asked this question because I really wasn't aware this forum had been around that long and there were so many regulars..lol. I did want to mention that I discovered by accident that there are a LOT of old GW members that were sent to Disney that went over to Dave's. There is a very long post there about all the varied circumstances of how they all ended up over at Dave's from GW. I had not even been aware of what was going on and wondered why I was missing people. [g]


  • 17 years ago

    I did however post a "Goodbye" thread and made a veiled reference to my reasons. POW! I was sent to Disney.
    Now wasn't that silly of Spike to do that with probably NO warning whatsoever?

    It would be interesting to take a poll and see how many members under the Spiko regime were sent to Disney, how many times, how long, etc.

    Could/would that be an On Topic Discussion, or better for the other side (Conv)

    Sorry pm2...I think I may have high jacked your thread with my upset (still) with Spike. iVillage might not catch as much stuff as he did, but at least I've never heard of them banning anyone for stupid reasons.

    iV might pull some posts but at least they give warnings b4 banning someone...unless one is really over the top...like threatening one's life or something similar. I have seen that here once. It did not last long.

  • 17 years ago

    >>"...how many members under the Spiko regime were sent to Disney, how many times, how long..."

    In the very early days, perhaps as early as '97, certainly before '01 I was blocked by Spike, apparently permanently. Later I found an email address on Google for someone at vmirror, I think it was. I wrote and asked why I was blocked. The explanation was something that made no sense, four upper case letters that "had been giving them trouble". In any event it meant nothing to me, perhaps something contained a copy/paste.

  • 17 years ago

    I've been a member here since 1999, and although I was never sent to Disney or banned, I did receive an e-mail from Spike after I posted a somewhat caustic comment aimed at another person on the forum. I have to agree that I was wrong in doing that, yet later on, there were others who were somewhat nasty to others, and as far as I know, they were never disciplined---or maybe they were, and I just never knew.

  • 17 years ago

    Sue, no worries, I have received enough links to help me with my computer issues at the moment. I am enjoying reading the stories about Spike. :-)


  • 17 years ago

    Oops! Forget to tell you cboy, I did get your email and thanks so much for the links! Very helpful!


  • 17 years ago

    Spike sent me to Disney for posting on the European garden forum. Nothing controversial. Honest. So now I am confined within the US borders and dare not cross over.

  • 17 years ago

    I've been coming here since the days when it was called the Virtual Mirror. There were many great "advisors" back then just as there are today. Back in those days, it was strictly computer help... off topic conversations were frowned upon. It was a great place to hang out just as it is today... it's just a different atmosphere.


  • 17 years ago

    Bob, DA, Sue,
    Yes there were some anxious times around here with Spike. I made a trip to Disney as well and didnt really care as it was really getting a little too "cliquish" on here at the time.
    Woe to those who made any adverse remarks to those select few.
    I moved on and was happy and now pop back in on ocassion to help out where I can

  • 17 years ago

    I came to GW around 97 also. Spent lots of time at Disney. Then got banned about 2 yrs before Spike sold to IVillage. I used to frequent the Gardening Forums and didn't know Computer Forum exsisted (my loss). Spike would Disney you and if you begged and pleaded, he'd let you back with a stern warning. When he decided to start charging $15.00, there was a minor uprising (minor, because he banned everyone who did). He finally let me back with a new screen name and I had to pay the $15.00. A year later IV bought it.

    I often wonder what happened to him. I had many emails back and forth as I tried to get reinstated. I believe his name was Hernandez and he was an avid gardener. It makes me laugh how quickly you would get Disneyed or banned for the silliest reasons.


  • 17 years ago

    Hey Gene how's it going? I agree it did get a little tense around here for a while. I got sent to Disney one time when I posted a joke over on the Conversation side... couldn't figure out why until I read it again and then noticed a word was in it that the filters had caught! Spike had an alias he used to post under from time to time but darned if I can remember what it was.


  • 17 years ago

    Morning Gene.

    Oh yes you are right there were a few members who were treated as the golden child. How about those who thought they had seniority rights and would let you know about it?

    I've been here since 1999. My page says 2001 and I can't explain that. Maybe the Disney Penal Colony took off time for bad behavior. :)

    When I was banished I did make a cursory attempt to return under a different alias. My closest friends here knew who I was and some members guessed as I received some e-mails asking. Quess what? Someone ratted me out to Spike as I got banished again and my whole ISP got blocked. So now I got mad.

    I reregistered a third alias from work. You wouldn't guess what happened next? Someone tattled again, but this time I knew who as he shared the information with one or two others. (He is no longer here by the way) My whole work ISP got blocked. A sort time later ivillage bought the site and I received Pooh Bear's kind assistance.


  • 17 years ago

    DA I came around in the summer of 1999. My page also says December 2001 but up until then it wasn't necessary to register to post you just had the ads to deal with but then Spike made it mandatory. The next year the pay to post went into effect.


  • 17 years ago

    LOL I dont remember the year I started here, but it was a long long time ago, and yep, I have been banned, (more than once), and I have been sent to Disney too, a time or two or three. Didnt used to take much. :-))

  • 17 years ago

    When I was banned, I not only was sad/upset to be on the outside looking in, but I was embarrassed that I had been 'bad'...bad enough to be banned. I was new to the computer and GW was the first and about the only place I joined.

    It wasn't until much later that I found out so many folks had been banned by the 'tyrant'...some for no reason at all. Several members were Disneyed just for writing to Spiko on a banned members behalf.

    Members can say what they want about iV, but I think it is a much better place than with the last dictatorship.

  • 17 years ago

    Spike probably had his hands overy full. Lots goes on around here - doubt he had time to evaluate people and bad deeds.. easiest most efficient way was probably block anything he saw against his personal likes and move on to doing what he enjoyed.

    Guy that calls himself 'Spike'
    you dont want to fool with. ^ unless you have a tack hammer handy.

  • 17 years ago

    My guess is the beginning standard was anything he felt childish was dealt with by sending the member to Disney. That way the child could play there.

    After time it would appear any actual or perceived transgression was punished in kind.


  • 17 years ago

    Funny, but in a crazy way I miss Spike. He was so mean to me, I was sure 'he' was a 'she.' I didn't get back on until 04.

    I remember the first time I got Disneyed I was new to computers (Win 95) and I thought there was something wrong with my machine. I brought it to a shop and the guy told me I had 17 virus on the machine and that was why it was acting funny. Besides almost killing my son (he was banned from using the computer), I still got Disneyed each time I tried to go to GW. So I called the computer shop and threatened the guy with stopping my check...

    Good ole days.


  • 17 years ago

    Reading through this thread again I recalled that there was once, briefly a forum for people who had been banned from Grrdenweb or sent temporarily to Disney. We could go there and share our experiences.