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Now I know why the blues did not start a 3rd nest!!

16 years ago

I went out in the field to check for a new blue nest and the box was full of twigs!!! Those rotten #@#@%^ wrens. They have never flown out to the field box so I didn't check to see if they were putting in twigs. The 2nd nest of blues fledged so I cleaned the box out and I was waiting for the blues to come back for round 3.

What do you guys think about putting up wren guards early next spring so when the wrens return they don't see any holes and move on?

Those wrens are the sneakiest birds. I was pulling out twigs all spring and summer and I missed one day and they had a 2" nest and already an egg. In ONE day! I almost pulled it out (I really wanted to) but I left it alone and now I read they come back to where they has a successful nest. Not good news.

Do you think the blues will come back and check out their old box or is it too late?


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