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Pileated woodpecker behavior

Just a random observation of behavior I found odd- yesterday I sat outside and watched a juvenile Pileated Woodpecker (I assume juvenile- he was much smaller than others I have seen about- they love suet) sneak up on a decorative tree stump I have in the yard. He flew to one tree, peeked out from behind it then flew to another and peeked at me- repeat that 3 or 4 times. When he got to the tree closest to the stump he hopped down the tree- hop, hop, hop, hop like he was rappelling down a rock face which I thought was odd.

I did not know if that is their normal way of descending a tree- why didn't he just fly down?

Then he hopped up on the stump and pecked and ate bugs for 15 minutes.

But it was the hop hop hop hop that was weird.

This is probably old hat to experienced birders but I am new to this climate and am finding my woodpeckers some of the more entertaining birds in my yard.

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