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Ficus help - move from MN to TX and now what?

16 years ago


I just moved from Minnesota. I couldn't bear to leave my plants so my ficus tree came with me in the car (along with a dog and 5 other plants - it was a true jungle in there). I put the rootball in a bag of some soil and watered it daily. some leaves got a little burned in the backwindow before i put a towel over it.

it was repotted makeshift while i waited for the movers to come with my stuff & pots (4 days). I repotted it all in all, about 2 weeks after removing it from the original pot in MN.

I have it on my back deck - it is very shady in the backyard - it only gets afternoon direct light on the upper half for about an hour at sunset. I'm in Austin, TX. It has dropped about 90% of its leaves. I pruned it heavily this week and leaves are still dropping. There are new shoots on the tips but no new leaves have actually materialized. I also noticed some black looking soot on its trunk near the base. it actually looks and feels like actual soot as if it was burned to charcoal (but it wasn't).

the other thing i'm concerned about it, it is very wet. it has yet to really dry out. when it rains, it gets soaked.

is anything wrong here or do i just need patience? i did buy some mineral supplement for it but haven't given it to it yet. it has brand new potting soil.

any ideas?

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