Mourning Dove - Blue Jay attack?
14 years ago
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Comments (14)
- 14 years ago
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Possible Hawk Attack--whoa!
Comments (25)I don't know why, but the last 2 times in as many days that I've tried to respond on this thread, my comment has just disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle or something. Today, from inside my house, I heard the same screaming. Stepping out on my front walk, I could tell it was up in my pine tree. Look as I might, I could not see the hawk, but there was a ton of noise and commotion up there. I think I saw some grackles and some bluejays hoppping around, and I still wasn't positive there was even a hawk up there, despite the screams (not being a bird expert, I don't know the calls for certain). I thought maybe it was the blue jays screaming. This time I had the camera. i took a step onto the grass under the trees to aim for a better vantage point, but before I could do anything else, a HUGE (wide wingspan) bird flapped out of the tree, away from me and my house, and flew off into the distance. With him flew at least two smaller birds (same as last time). He didn't seem to be chased by them. They seemed to be companions? wingmen? LOL I dont' know. Anyway, I stupidly was trying to turn on my camera although it was already on and I didn't get a picture. I'm marvelling at the fact that this large bird can hide itself in the trees so well. This is the second time I was certain of it's location in a particular tree but still could not see it. Anyway, I think it's pretty cool!...See MoreDove feeder plans?
Comments (14)I use a mix of millet, cracked corn and sunflower chips for the mourning doves. I use to scatter it on the patio and under the BOSS hanging feeder. The doves love the little seeds and corn. Since I started using this mix I get a lot more doves. Recently I found a company that calls themselves Hurley Byrd feeder company and they build these great big feeders and my husband installed one on a large post. It also has a tray that is made to go under the feeder. This works well since the doves now get on the tray and the feeder. They can be watched a lot better when they sit on the tray and they stay longer. Maybe you can look at theirs and build one yourself. I also noticed I get a lot more of everything on the tray and in this big feeder. Does anyone else use a real large feeders with seed catch trays?...See MoreHosta Blue 2015
Comments (52)Sunnywood , I would love to edit with names but McTavish could do a better job at this then me. I got far too many hosta at the same time and some of the tags got lost and all snow covered grounds now. Myrle knows where each and every one of my plants are and only a few she didn't know where they are either. Sorry. I got to the point of just loving what they look like and not actually the names now . I just have no more room or energy to start new beds. Never say never though ha ha...See MoreMy bird was attacked by a hawk
Comments (147)I enjoyed seeing pictures of Bird and Dove Bar. I rehabbed several pigeons and wrote about them in my Bayou Tales stories. One of them, named Hue, used to follow me all over the place. I had another one named Checkers that I found in a trash can at Lowe's. They had a trash can sitting out in the nursery section, and were cleaning up and dumping the sweepings into it. I glanced in and saw a live pigeon in it. She was covered in tar. Of course I took her home. I got most of it off of her, but her white, speckled black feathers were stained brown after that. A hawk got her....See More- 14 years ago
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