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Yard Update--for the birds!

I think the last time I posted a long post was about Mr. Crow who had invaded my yard and was smashing dead bird parts in my fountain. I was about to give up on my fountain after finding smashed bird bones, severed bird limbs, etc. Suggestions were to get bird baths, have rocks in the fountain, etc. Well I already had rocks in the fountain, but decided to get bird baths. Of the bird baths I have already in the yard, I have never seen a bird use them. They very much prefer the fountain. I was right. The new bird baths went unused. I also found Mr. Crow liked the rocks in the fountain to smash his carrion. The rocks came out of the fountain and then something else happened.....

My fountain is frequented by a lot of birds. Apparently several were nesting close to my yard. The moment they saw Mr. Crow, they attacked him! I had Mockingbirds and Blue Jays chasing him. Well, talk about your NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard). They got rid of Mr. Crow! Last year, I had a Mourning Dove that stayed on the ground in my yard until it could fly better. This year, I have a Mommy Mourning Dove (the one who I think was in my yard), keeping her fledgling in my flower beds. I also have a Mommy Mockingbird doing the same thing! Same goes for the Blue Jay family! I cannot believe it! I have a tiny yard!

Now the baby Blue Jay has a lot to learn about the etiquette of eating in my yard. I know the family is waiting for my figs to ripen. In the meantime, he is attacking all the buds on my roses! He thinks they are a berry of some sort. His favorite ones are the dark red Maroon Eight buds! He tears them to shreds and then realizes this is not what he wanted. UGH! I am going to have quite a time with the figs this year, I can tell!

So, as one of the people who helped put in my drip irrigation last year stated, I have Section 8 Housing birds living for free in my yard. Well, they are very welcome, entitled to all the bugs they want, a limited number of figs and free water. I adore them and as long as they keep Mr. Dead Bird Parts Crow out of my yard and fountain, I am happy!

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