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Varieties Tolerant of Wet Feet (Another Wet Summer in Upstate NY)

13 years ago

2008 was a wet, cool summer and then 2009 I was overseas but I heard it was wet and cool again. This summer is getting off to another wet start. Most of my plants are starting to look a little yellow. Not sure if it is the stress but they are setting blossoms while the plants are still pretty small which I actually have no problem with since big plants can be kinda a pain to deal with. Anyway, I have found the three following varieties to be the most tolerant of wet feet as indicated by dark green growth and overall plant vigor.

  1. Eva Purple Ball

    2. Red Target

    3. Stupice

My Brandywine and German Queen seem to be taking it the hardest. Any other suggestions for varieties that can thrive in a swamp? If this trend continues, I am thinking that it might be a good idea to plan for wet summers.

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