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Things that live with the worms

16 years ago

OK, I read worms eat my garbage, and I know that a healthy worm bin will contain many other organisms.

At first I had a bit of a fruit fly invasion, but by keeping newspaper bedding on top it has improved so that there are just a few. And I have no problems with any real flys or their

maggots. Which is good, that would gross me out!

Because we feed our worms lots of organic vegie peelings and scraps, right away our bin was host to many tiny little hoppers, crawlers and unknowns. Our worms are flourishing, I imagine that there is at least 10 times as many as when we started 4 months ago. I knew things were going well when I realized, turning over the bed a bit and right on top they were doing the 2 headed worm! Now I know what worm sex looks like Ha!

Well, in the last 2 weeks, and since I have started adding the husks and silks from sweet corn, I have noticed some new tenants. These are very fine worms/larva that look like 1/2 inch white hairs, they congregate on the walls and lid of the bin where it is very easy to see them against the black plastic. Now there are dozens, i wiped some away with a paper towel I guess I am a bit worried because they remind me of the worms that kittens can get before you can deworm them. Has anyone else had these. Is it a mistake to put corn silk and husks ( chopped up) in a small bin?

Any advice???

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