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OT Please dont forget that were lost on this day...

Hello Everyone

I know it's off topic, but i think of it every year as this day approaches. Sept 11, 2001 will always be a day that i will never forget.

Today i will be flying as i have all weekend, but i am feeling a sense of sadness again evey time this date rolls around.

Many of you were touched in different ways....As was I

I just want you all to take a moment to think of all that parished on that day 10 years ago. The crews of(American Airlines) (United Airlines) along with all of the others lost in the World Trades Centers, Pentagon and at the area in Somerset Penn.

Today will be one of those days that will make me sad, but being up again in the air gives me this feeling of joy that we have not let anyone stop us from continuing to do as we choose.

I know many of my friends have been touched...

J Your email from yesterday made the hair on my arms stand on end when you shared what you saw as well.

May we all never forget...

I used to be able to see the World Trade Centers extend from the tops of the clouds when we would take off from PHL on a clear day. I miss those beautiful buildings...

We still fly over of site everytime we fly into LGA and i can still remember the smoke, fire . For two months it still was glowing in the night as we would fly over.

Please take time today to just think of those lost.

My brother is a firefighter who lost friends up in New York and went straight up to NY from VB without even giving it a second thought.

As a crew mamber, we all feel the togetherness of all flight crews that had to get back on those planes on that Friday when we finally we allowed to get back into the air. I was part of that group. It was very hard to do, but im glad i did it to get back in the air.

Thank you for taking the time to read what i have to say...

Take care everyone....

Laura in VB


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