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Corn Pest - Poor Growth, Bit Leaves, Something in Center

This is my first attempt at growing anything in a garden. I was trying to use companion planting to keep out pests and was attempting to do the 3 sisters method of corn planting (corn, pole beans, squash). I picked a variety of organic sweet corn that I planted back on May 27th and my largest stalk is still only 6 inches high. The past few days, a couple of my stalks have had leaf damage and when you look in the center of the stalk, there's some type of brown egg or larva inside. I have no idea what this could be.

I've set slug traps and all have come up empty. I have seen no sign of Japanese beetles, or any visible worms on the stalks.

Any help with what this can be?

Any organic fixes you can recommend?

Thanks so much in advance.

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