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Beware: Wind-Driven Hail Up To Baseball-Sized

13 years ago

Please go read the thread Miraje started on the potential for Severe Weather this afternoon/tonight. Be sure to click on her link and read the info there as well.

There is a potential for hail to fall, accompanied by wind gusts up to 80 mph. If the hail reaches baseball-sized, which is a distinct possibility, then the danger and potential for harm is incredibly high. This could be, literally, a life-threatening situation. A person hit by wind-driven hail the size of baseballs could be harmed very badly.

Please go read Miraje's thread on today's (June 20th's) Severe Weather threat.

Please DO NOT COMMENT on this thread because I want it to stay at the top of the page and catch everyone's attention. If you want to comment, post comments on Miraje's thread. Don't worry about bumping it down because I'm sure folks will keep bumping it back up.

Y'all be careful out there! If storms approach, please go inside!!!!


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