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Is your spouse/significant other a garden nut?

16 years ago

Hi all, I'm desperate for spring and so find myself popping back on here to see what's what. Hope everyone is having as warm a winter as possible, or finding a way to enjoy the cold!

I recently started dating again and I'm finding that there aren't too many men out there who enjoy gardening as much as I do, if at all. So I'm wondering, how important is it for your significant other to share this particular interest? Do you find that there is any resentment about how much time you spend in the garden doing your own thing? I know this will vary greatly depending on personality types (level of independence and personal space needed, etc.) and a whole host of other issues, but I'm curious to see if others have made a relationship with a non-gardener work. I guess I'm also wondering if having two avid gardeners in a relationship is akin to having too many cooks in the kitchen.

What do you think?

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