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2008 Winners and Losers

15 years ago

I canÂt tell you how many times I have been over the top thrilled with a plant one year only to be kicking it to the curb the next year. Categorizing plants as winners or losers for a region as diverse as New England is close to impossible, but as we are all perusing the 2009 catalogs it might be helpful to know how a plant fared for someone else. I would also like to know your opinion of whether or not the nursery trade is now more than ever rushing new introductions to market.


Name of Plant

Year it was bought

Where you bought it and what pot size was it

Irrigation -Y or N

Site Conditions Optimal for Plant ÂY or N

Pest Problems  Y or N name or describe pest.

Disease Problems  Y or N name or describe disease.


Out of Five how many thumbs up or thumbs down would you give this plant.

To post a follow up, use the above as a template, copy and paste it into your message box and add your responses to the copied template. Below is my example. If there is anything you think should be added to the template feel free.


Zone -7a

Name of Plant- "Kniphofia pumila"

Year it was bought -2006

Where you bought it and what pot size was it  Plant Delights Nursery - 4" pot

Irrigation -Y or N - Yes

Site Conditions Optimal for Plant ÂY or N - Yes
Pest Problems  Y or N name or describe pest. - None

Disease Problems  Y or N name or describe disease - .None

Comments - Stand out plant in terms of color and form will need well drained soil and I was surprised to note that the plant stays green and relatively substantial well into the winter.

Four thumbs Up

Keep in mind we would be equally as interested in a plant review with a five thumbs down evaluation.

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