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what treasures did you find at Tropiflora?

14 years ago

I had to stop digging and planting my new plants, so thought I'd see how everyone did who attended the festival.

I'm sure lots of you all were there, but since I'm fairly new to this site (and haven't attended any swaps), I don't know any of you - kind of wish we wore tags that said something about being on Garden Web!

At any rate, I found a couple of things I was looking for - Crowley's brought me 2 tea olives and I can't wait for the blooms. I got a jasmine, the name of which I've forgotten already, but it has lacy leaves and will get woody, but the fragrence is incredible. My car still has a wonderful perfume!

The same vendor convinced me that I can grow a Rangoon Creeper in a pot - they had one on display, so I got one and it is now hanging by my front door in all it's glory.

An unusual plant to me was a thornless red Crown of Thorns. I told the vendor that this seemed like an oxymoron but I'm not sure she got the humor of it! It's long and leggy and wasn't cheap, but I got four to keep in pots on my front deck.

Other than those, I got the usual bargain bromeliads - there seemed to be a good selection this year. Plus I found a healthy caliandra which was one of the few plants that survived the freeze - however, I have sinced moved from that home and couldn't take it, so I'm happy to have a new one.

Please post with any of your special finds and if you saw that jasmine (way in the back - Armstong I think was the vendor) I would love to know the name.

Also, did any of you spend the whole three days there looking for something you might have missed or am I just nuts.

It was fun -

Hester in Sarasota

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