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Hot Pepper Sauce

13 years ago

Just got done making the hot pepper sauce in Blue Ribbon Preserves by Linda J Amendt. Whew! I used all yellow tomatoes (Manyel & Small Yellow Plum tomatoes (from My Uncle), Bulgarian Carrot Peppers and Habaneros. I think I will get the reputation of being "unkind" when I give this out as Christmas presents! It is HOT! (I do have an uncle that LOVES hot food. If he orders hot food from a restaurant and it doesn't make him sweat, he'll send it back!~ So I think he'll like this.) It has great flavor though. I'm going to use it as a sauce over steak tonight.

I might have to make this in a green and a red to use up all my hot peppers. It does take a lot of prep time (2 - 3 hours to chop all the veggies, ) but I think it's worth it.

Any new recipes you've found you can't do without now?

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