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Photos of Tropiflora Fall Festival (for coffeemom)

14 years ago

Tropiflora in Sarasota Fall Festival. Friday-Sunday, Oct 2-4.

A few of us went down to the Fall Festival early yesterday morning and got there shortly after the doors opened when it wasn't too crowded. It's an easy drive not far off of I-275.

In case you're thinking about going... I'd say it was well worth the trip. There are many, large covered plant houses with myriads of bromeliads, Tillandsia, and shade plants. Then there were vendors with orchids, perennials, annuals, fruiting plants, natives, ferns and all kinds of unusual plants. Lori found several unusual plants for her new back yard renovation.

Some photos of the event:

Let us know if you go...


Here is a link that might be useful: Fall Festival Flyer

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