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The best invention ever known...

15 years ago the hammock.

I just got my Pawley's Island rope hammock hung this weekend...lemme tell is seriously the best item I have purchased for my yard - EVER!!!!

I am not a person who likes to 'nap' or 'plods along'...I'm always doing 40 different things, always in a rush, always trying to make a deadline, you know, the total type-A personality, etc, etc.

This hammock may change my life. I haven't actually slept in it yet -- but, I have enjoyed just swaying in the breeze, looking at the sky and the Queen palm tree in my neighbor's yard.

It's a slice of heaven in my little back yard!

Now, I need plant tips as this is my 'never put a plant in the ground which has survived or thrived' area. I want to make it my tropical get away space. So, I can pretend I'm on some tropical island somewhere...

It's shade-semi-shadey area. I have planted two Conf. Jasmine vines in the spring - they have barely grown. They are alive, but not exactly scaling the fence. I do have a misting system in place, so they do get enough water.

I just added a couple of coleus from the 'Sad Plant Section' at Lowes that I picked up cheap. I also transplanted one elephant ear from another part of my yard.

Basically, it's a boring corner of my yard in between the corner of the house and the privacy fence and needs a make over. Desperately...

I would love your help in picking plants for this area. :)

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