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Cutting Coral Honeysuckle

I have a Coral Honeysuckle that did quite well this summer. Too well perhaps. While it did not go rampant like some vines, it did get big enough to bend and bring down the shepherd's hook I had it growing up. So through the winter I will be building a stronger trellis for it to climb next year. When I do this I want to cut the vine back so that I can weave the vines through the trellis as it grows, but I am unsure of how far back I can cut it. With my passionvines, I can cut them back to 6" above ground (and probably to ground) and they return with a vengeance come spring. But I tried this with a pipevine and it never returned and I never got to see it bloom. My coral honeysuckle has been such a strong hummingbird plant (before it collapsed) that I would hate to lose it.

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