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Feeling frustrated

I've got tons and tons of fragrant plants, most of them in pots, and yet hardly anything is blooming right now.

Sure I've got my reliable sambac jasmines to sniff and a few new plumerias I bought this year and the tuberose but I look around at my collection and wish my Brunfelsia gigantea and B. jamaicensis (which is dropping leaves and looking pitiful and has never once bloomed for me), various cymbidium and other orchids, tons of new brugmansias, Plumeria stenopetala, Millingtonia hortensis, Jasminum azoricum, various passifloras, etc. would bloom!

Feels like all I'm doing is just watering and fertilizing (in other words maintenance) and not getting much reward for all my hard work.

Guess I need to be patient and stop complaining but I think the dog days of summer are starting to get to me. Waking up early to water everything and then having to water some things again at lunch and then again when I get home is getting old.
I'm starting to question the responsibility and dedication required to keep up with my madness. Laugh.


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