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mortgage modifications

I know several people here on GW may be in the same boat we are _ I was laid off in April, my boyfriend took a 12 percent paycut at the same time.

So we're pursuing a mortgage modification. We were just prequalified today, with a new temporary rate that cuts one third off our payment for the next three months while we complete the process. We're with Citimortgage and I've read they're easier to deal with than others. It's a lot of paperwork, and you really need to prepare before you even try to call them. They'll ask everything from how much your dry cleaning bill is (uh, nothing now that I don't go to work anymore) to how much you spend on cat food.

Fortunately, with the Making Homes Affordable Law, you don't have to be behind on your payments to ask for a modification.

There are complicated formulas that determine whether you qualify or not. We had help, which I can recommend, if anyone is in need of this. I did a boatload of research too. So anyone who thinks they might need this, feel free to email me. One advantage of being a laid off reporter is I'm good a research and I've got the time to do it. I won't post the company that helped us here - I think that would be considered advertising and break the rules - but I can tell you they are about the cheapest out there, and my counselor wouldn't take money from a friend of mine after talking to him and realizing he wouldn't qualify.

And be aware, this is not a hand-out from the government. There are some small government incentives built into it to stay in your home. But the real relief you get is from the bank lowering your interest rate way below the going rate for a few years, and extending your terms. There are also a lot of protections for homeowners built in

It's really going to make the difference for us in terms of whether we can keep this house, and the garden I've grown to love.

Hope everyone is weathering the recession.

susannah susannahnesmith (at)

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