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Deer vs. half-ton

It was a draw - the deer is apparently still alive, and my son-in-law's truck is not too badly hurt.

The phone rang this afternoon and from the called ID i knew it was my daughter's cell. Her voice was all shaky and she asked for dh. I told her he was outside and asked her what was wrong. Well, they'd hit a deer on their way into Dryden this afternoon, and there was blood and hair and glass all over the place. Yes, they were okay, just full of glass. So, what happened, i asked. The deer came across the highway, full tilt, hit the driver's side, shattered the window, took out the mirror, flipped over the truck box and apparently took off into the field. The guy behind them who stopped was just amazed that this deer was still alive! She wanted to know what she should do. I said call the police. So, okay, they'd do that. Then i asked her what she had wanted her dad for. She wailed, "I don't know!"

Deer are getting to be a real menace around here. Dave hit one with his wood truck earlier this week, so that's two in one week for him. Another one was hit just up the road from us yesterday. At least this one ended okay - the damage to the truck is minimal and Allison and Dave are okay (just a couple of cuts from the glass). It could have been a lot worse.

Anything exciting in your world? :)

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