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Hobbiton conifers of the Month, June

Or the week, depending on how much time I have to take photos. Perfect conditions right now, warm days in the low 70s and sun patches mixed with clouds make for good photography light.

Abies procera [Hupp's Seedling #3] - One of four seedlings I am growing from Jason Hupp. Possibly a hybrid of procera and amabilis. Perhaps someone here can determine that. In either case, it seems to be growing 2-3 inches a year.



Picea omorika 'Aurea' - Still bright but the color is said to fade with the years. That's a shame.

Tsuga mertensiana 'Blue Star' - Still very slow growing, perhaps 2-3 inches a year.

Sequoia sempervirens 'Steel Blue' - A plant that gets mentioned a lot during tours.


Picea sitchensis 'Sugarloaf' - Compacting up now after a few years of lengthy/wirey growth.

Cedrus deodara 'Gold Cascade' - One grafted high, the other a standard low graft.

The sun came out and things got brighter.

Picea breweriana 'Emerald Midget' - About 5-6 years old.

Acer palmatum 'Koto maru' - One of the coolest maples I have - tiny, different colored leaves and very slow growth. This tree is about ten years old.

A shot of the mailbox garden...(buried in those hydrangea on the far left)

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