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Skylands - What to do?

10 years ago

I finally had the courage to read the forum last night. Like many, I'm pretty beat down due to winter damage and loss.

The most painful was my father's day gift from last year acer shirasawanum 'aureum' that was eaten up by a rabit. With all the buds gone, she's done.

I'm hoping you guys can give recommendations on my Skylands. I moved it last spring after three summers in the ground. I was no longer experiencing sun burn, so I thought it was a safe move.

I'm fairly sure that the wind exposure lead to this. I had ensured proper deep watering into November, so I don't think it was a transplant or care issue since she made it through July and August wtih no burn.

What do to?

Will shade cloth for the summer matter? Assuming that I'm correct and the winter winds and dryness did this, is the shade cloth going to help sustain life?

If you agree that the damage was wind induced, do I move it again? I still can move it safely, but not for long.

I appreciate the input from those more experienced.

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