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Columnar Astrophytum Question w/ Pics

13 years ago

Hey everyone,

So I really appreciated all of your help on how to salvage as much as I could of my old astrophytum when my friend accidently rotted him while looking after my pets/plants.

Well, the same friend, who is a real sweetheart, saw what she thought was the same plant at a yard sale in Vermont about two weeks ago and got it for me (nice and cheap!) cause she felt bad. It is very interesting looking (pic to follow) like an old beaten up astrophytum with a baby one grafted on top?

Anyway, I was thrilled, it's adorable, but I'm a little concerned. I potted it up in mostly perlite (I have to get more pumice, or maybe I'll try turface... once I get something I'll add in)

I haven't watered it since I got it, but when I squeeze it near the scar tissue, which it has a fair amount of in one area, it feels a bit soft, but it does not feel soft above or below that point.

So my question is: Is it rot, or just normal, slightly dehydrated, cactus scar tissue?

Thanks in advance! here are some pics!

{{gwi:599047}} (slightly soft part is scar tissue near bottom where plant narrows)

{{gwi:599049}} (close up of scar tissue)

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