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So sad

13 years ago

About 1/3 of the roses I�ve planted in years past have died. I�ve tried to figure out why and the only conclusion seems to be just the inherent toughness of the survivors. Thus summer has been particularly hard on roses. A serious drought for this part of the country. Despite frequent watering there seemed to be no way to keep foliage on them let alone to bloom.

Meanwhile the toughies shrugged off the dryness and I will continue to plant new ones looking for more who like my climate, soil and me. Still it is sad to have to forgo the many beautiful roses who don�t like it here like the Austin�s even my beloved Kordes who such as Rugelda , Magenta, Sparrieshoop, and many others struck out.

Anyway how about a little help on roses you have found to be survivors?

One recent example for me is Therese Bugnet. And a neighboring rose in that bed ,Karl Forster. It sits there totally immune to those suffering around it. Every time looking at it and others like it brings me up short in my conclusion making me wonder if I just need to search further for the magic elixir to growing luxuriant roses.

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