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Teasing Georgia concern from Merrygro

16 years ago

Couple months ago I bought several roses from Merrygro at their 33% off sale. I bought seven roses in all, including Teasing Georgia. The rest were hybrid teas.

All of them have sinced bloomed - except for Teasing G. That one has grown and grown long canes, and still hasn't bloomed yet. In fact, I would be suspicious it was a Dr. Huey climber, but it's on fort stock. I don't know anything about fort stock, if it's a climber or not.

My previous experience with my other Austins were short, compact bushes. (except for my Ben Britten, who is a monster)

Do any of your Teasing Georgias grow this tall? I'm just getting worried it's an off-cultivar climber. I don't know if they guarantee it, and if they did, it would be my burden to ship the stupid thing back...

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