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If you could only have 12 roses...

14 years ago

I was reading 'The Rose Bible' the other day and was very amused by the author's story of his recurring nightmare of being forced to choose only 12 roses to have in his garden.

I can only fit about 12 roses into my garden, and I spend a lot of time dreaming about all the other roses I wish I could have. While we were admiring our roses my bf asked me: 'Why do you want so many?' And I couldn't say. I don't know why but I want every single rose I like in my garden. I wish I had two acres of full sun to make a rose ranch, but I've got to work with what I have. Which makes it really hard to sacrifice any rose space for other types of plants.

So anyways, here are my current 12:

Julia Child


Midas Touch

Chris Evert

Just Joey

Sheila's Perfume

Dream Come True


Helmut Schmidt

Gold Medal

Autumn Sunset Climber (2)

I have already ordered 8 more bands from Vintage and Rouge Valley, but they are all more shade tolerant types of roses. I have a lot of space that just doesn't get quite enough sun for roses, but I'm hoping that there are some who will thrive there.

Why do I want so many?

Comments (47)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's what I went with when I divorced and had to downsize from 80 roses to 9:

    Buff Beauty
    Memorial Day
    The Prince
    Marie Pavie
    Amelia Earhart (regretted keeping that one)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    In no particular order:
    *Tiffany-A classic and very fragrant.
    *Rouge Royale-Great fragrant cut flower
    *Aloha-Climber. I like its compact growth. Fragrant.
    *Tineke-A white that doesn't have the usual Thrips problem.
    *Our Lady of Guadalupe-Can't get much better. Fragrant
    *Lady Mitchell-An almost perfect container rose.
    *Magic Carousel-A disease resistant mini. Another classic.
    *June Laver-A great mini edger. Too bad it's unavailable.
    *Tamora-Can take some shade. Good container rose. fragrant.
    *Symphony-A compact upright winter hardy rose from Austin.
    Destined for future stardom?? Queen of Sweden and Easy Does it. Both look very promising. QOS blew me away this spring.

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    If You Could Have Only Three Roses to Design your Garden with..


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    (Since I just had a computer glitch and lost everything I wrote, let's see how much of the dream I can remember.) Ingrid, I was going to ask you "how big is this dream garden of mine?", but then I reread your post and saw that yours is your present garden, so I guess my dream garden has to fit in the space I have. When I gave you my choices, I didn't give you a plan, so here it is. Since my garden is in my small front yard, up close to and in front of my house, I can't very well have dozens of towering Tea rose bushes hiding the building. That would be silly and has been my dilemma from the beginning. So I need a "Special Small Garden in Two Parts" exemption to allow me to have a 4th rose. The dream garden plan would still be a circle in a circle, and in the center circle would be, of course, LeVesuve in all her big, bosomy pinkness. In place of the arbor at the top of the circle would be two Maman Cochets, the regal matriarchs of the garden. And in the rest of the outer circle planted en masse would be the 3rd rose in the front - Enchantress, a gorgeous magenta pink smaller Tea rose (supposed to be anyway). They would sweep up and around from the entrance at the curb to meet the Maman Cochets, bowing at their feet with arms raised in adoration. In the back garden I would need a climber because of all the oak trees I have that would want to participate in the dream. And that climber would be LeVesuve. (Oh, did that sound like a 5th rose? Nah.) The rest of the garden would be a maze of hedges of Anna Olivier and Maman Cochet, all neatly and softly clipped with no hard edges. I'm not sure if they would be mixed or all one color on each side of the path. In my dream garden Tea roses don't mind some trimming for beauty's sake. Hopefully, DH won't be too nauseated by this pastel pink and yellow dream. And then I would want more Enchantresses close to the house so we could see out the windows, right? In my dream garden there would be no north side of the house, and the west side would be just as good as the east side since there would be no BS in my garden and the setting sun is just as gentle as the morning sun. And there would be clay in the soil that would retain moisture and nutrients so all the rose bushes would have lots of beautiful green leaves to go with the flowers. In my dream garden the oak trees would not shade the roses - just the people. And no dream garden would be a true dream if the choice of roses could not be changed with the season. Now, as to the next rotation of dream roses... Sherry
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    Comments (27)
    Top 10 (in no particular order), because I can't choose: Gigas (gorgeous, atypical eriostemma leaf shape, not sure if I will still love it when it blooms, as the flowers are said to smell bad, like stapeliads) Hamiltoniorum (an eriostemma hoya with dark leaves that have small silver splashes!) Undulata (the leaves themselves are jaw-droppingly gorgeous!) Lithophytica (speaking of which, I need more of this, Ric, to fill the pot! It's so small, I need fillers!) Any imperialis (gorgeous leaves and big flowers....what's not to love?) Coronaria (white with pink corona is my favorite coronaria, for now, until the others bloom) Patella (I adore the fuzzy leaves and big flowers, in comparison to leaf size) cv. Michelle (again, gorgeous leaves) cv. Annakey (or any erythrina; the leaves are very nice, and the flowers are gorgeous!) elliptica (turtle/tortoiseshell leaves, need I say more?)
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  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm more into old roses so forgive me if some of these are not familiar.

    Cottage Rose
    Le Vesuve
    Yves Piaget
    Bishop's Castle
    Mme. Dore
    Wild Blue Yonder
    Aunt Margy's Rose
    Rosette Delizy
    William R. Smith
    Westside Road Cream Tea
    Mrs. B.R. Cant

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, the pain of not being able to grow them ALL. LOL Also the bother of having everyone ask (especially my mother) why I could possibly want more, and that it's ridiculous to have that many. I have about 30. Luckily my husband is HUGELY supportive!!!

    My favs would be:

    1. Big Purple
    2. Jadis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3. Enchanted Evening
    4. Tournament of Roses
    5. Yves Piaget
    6. Valencia
    7. Golden Celebration
    8. Julia Child
    9. John Cabot
    10. Morden Blush
    11. Prairie Joy
    12. Paradise

    Sigh, I am totally in love with Jadis. I can't believe how wonderful it is. Incredibly fragrant, Huge swirled, stuffed flowers, tons of flowers, fantastic pink. Gaaaahhh!!!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If I had to get rid of all my roses except 12, I'd keep:
    Abraham Darby
    Jude the Obscure
    Bella Donna
    Souvenir de la Malmaison
    Madame Hardy
    Great Maiden's Blush
    Rouge royale
    Madame Isaac Pereire
    Yolande d'Aragon
    and, lastly, an unidentified rose that my friend Nick Weber and I call
    "The Driveway Rose"

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would choose:
    Souvenir de la Malmaison
    Cramoisi Superieur
    Reve d' Or
    Perle d' Or
    Caldwell Pink (Pink Pet)
    Bubble Bath
    Mrs. B.R. Cant
    Square Dancer
    William R. Smith
    Georgetown Tea

    I wouldn't just stop at 12.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would probably have a nervous breakdown if I had to chose only 12, but it is a great exercise in choosing one really want/needs, which is probably important in this economy. I am assuming this house, zone, etc. Elsewhere I would make other choices. In addition to fragrance and bloom, I want 1) variety, 2) hardiness/adaptability, 3) sentimental attachment, So, my 12:

    Lily Marlene
    Excellenz von Schubert
    Madame Hardy
    Musk Rose
    Reine des Violets
    St John's Rose
    Mrs. Oakley Fisher
    Clotilde Soupert
    Marie Pavie
    Robin Hood

    This has been a gut-wrenching experience!!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think about this a great deal as I continue to downsize my collection. Yes, that's admitting that BS, midge, RRD and Japanese Beetles got the better of me.

    When the paring down is complete, most likely to remain:

    William Shakespear 2000
    The Mayflower
    Earth Song
    Sweet Surrender
    Souvenir de la Malmaison

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wouldn't it be interesting if we could collate this thread. I faced this exact question to build my new garden, and aside from the note that this varies by climate, here goes:

    Mellow Yellow
    Black Magic
    Just Joey*****
    Perfect Moment
    Ingrid Bergman
    Disneyland Rose
    Angel Face*******
    Fragrant cloud (you think I could grow it in a pot, I ran out of room, chuckle)


    And America
    Double Delight
    Love.....ahhhh ahhh sorry

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    For those of you who said "huh" to Canadians choice, my TOR rose was nothing special year 1, nothing special year 2. Year three, it turned Volkswagen size and threw so many roses I had full vases in the house AND on the bush.

    I do miss my Mutabulis too; it would take up my entire space! I miss the Multicolored Butterflies in the Wind affect.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    TOR is a GREAT rose!!! Glad we agree on that Beth! :) Do you have a picture of yours?


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    In no particular order, my fav. list this season so far:

    1 Alnwick Castle
    2 The Pilgrim
    3 Elfe Climber
    4 Glory de Dijon
    5 Felicia
    6 Jasmina
    7 Laguna
    8 Macrantha Raubritter
    9 Naha
    10 New Dawn
    11 Perle d'Or
    12 Sympathie

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Being that we live in a townhouse, I faced an even harder dilema...I could only fit 7! So far we agreed on six. Going to do the 7th next spring.

    Here is our selections:
    1. Opening Night
    2. Pope John Paul II
    3. Disneyland
    4. Sedona
    5. Sundance
    6. Billy Graham

    Any suggestions for the 7th

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    They would all be David Austins - the tough part would be selecting my 12 favorite Austins!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm into repeat blooming roses (and a fragrance hound :P) so I'd say:

    (1) Hacienda AKA Red 'n' Fragrant AKA Firefighter
    (2) Pope John Paul II
    (3) Double Delight
    (4) Barbra Streisand
    (5) The McCartney Rose AKA Sweet Lady
    (6) Arthur Bell
    (6) Typhoo Tea AKA Doux Parfum
    (7) Tiffany
    (8) Belle Story
    (9) Darlow's Enigma
    (10) Golden Wings
    (11) Wanderin' Wind
    (12) The next rose I get excited about and have to try!! :P

    That was fun!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hmmm....every time I answer a question like this, I come up with a somewhat different answer. Let me try:

    Bride's Dream
    Veteran's Honor
    Pope John Paul II
    Red Intuition
    Chicago Peace
    Blue Moon
    Leading Lady
    Always a Lady
    Electric Lady
    Papa Meilland
    Rock n Roll

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lol, Mike! I see by the roses you grow that you are quite a "lady's man". ;)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My 12 would be: Lady of the Dawn(F), Hannah Gorden(F), Moonstone(HT), Brinessa(HT), Pop Warner(HT), Souv. de la Malmaison(OGR), Pink Pet(OGR), Whirlaway(Miniflora), Tiffany Lynn(Miniflora), Joy(Mini), Fairhope(Mini), Sepder'd Isle(DAustin).

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gertrude Jekyll
    Lady Elsie May
    Double Delight
    New Dawn
    Nearly Wild
    Fourth of July
    Amazing Grace
    Memorial Day

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here are mine:

    1. Lady Emma Hamilton
    2. Carding Mill
    3. Full Moon Rising
    4. Garden Sun
    5. Traviata
    6. Shropshire Lad
    7. The Mary Rose
    8. Lunar Mist
    9. Sunsprite
    10. Coral Drift
    11. Sir John Betjeman
    12. Teasing Georgia

    And please could the Japanese Beetles go away?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boy, there are some wonderful choices on this thread. Glad you started it, Peachy Momo. :)
    And you have my sympathies, NH Mom 2 Four. We don't have Japanese Beetles here yet, and I've often wondered if I will still grow roses when we get them. :( So yeah, JB's scram why don'cha?!! Truth be told, you aren't wanted anywhere. ;)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My grandmother has had a problem with japanese beatles for the last few years. She lives 3 hours north of where I live. We do not have any here yet. I am paranoid that we will get them too eventually. I hope not though. Anyhow, here are my picks for my 12 favourite roses.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok here's what I would pick (today):


    Ask me tomorrow and it could easily change, somewhat.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay, here we go... I was feeling bored. :)

    1 Autumn Sunset
    2 ALOHA
    1 Aunt Margy's Rose
    1 Abraham Darby
    1 Alnwick Castle
    1 Arthur Bell
    1 Always a Lady
    1 Amazing Grace
    1 Aromatherapy
    1 April in Paris


    1 Buff Beauty
    1 Bishop's Castle
    1 Big Purple
    1 Bella Donna
    1 Bubble Bath
    1 Billy Graham
    1 Barbra Streisand
    1 Belle Story
    1 Bride's Dream
    1 Blue Moon
    2 BONICA
    1 Butterscotch cl.


    1 Chris Everet
    1 Cabbage Rose
    1 Cramoisi Superior
    1 Caldwell Pink
    1 Crepuscle
    1 Clotilde Soupert
    1 Chicago Peace
    1 Carding Mill
    1 Coral Drift
    1 Crown Princess Margareta


    1 Dream Come True
    1 Darlowe's Enigma


    1 Enchanted Evening
    2 EVELYN
    1 Excellenz von Sherbet
    1 Earth Song
    1 Elfe Climber
    1 Electric Lady


    1 Folklore
    1 Fragrant Cloud
    1 Felecia
    1 Fairhope
    1 Fourth of July
    1 Full Moon Rising
    1 Fire and Ice


    1 Gold Medal
    1 Golden Celebration
    1 Great Maiden's Blush
    1 Georgetown Tea
    2 GEMINI
    1 Glorie de Dijon
    1 Golden Wings
    1 Gertrude Jekyll
    1 Garden Sun
    1 Gold Bunny


    1 Helmut Schmidt
    1 Hannah Gordon




    1 June Laver
    1 Jadis/Fragrant Memory
    1 John Davis (I mistakenly wrote John Cabot)
    1 Jude the Obscure
    1 Jasmine
    1 Joy
    1 Joseph's Coat
    1 Joshua Bradley



    1 Lieszebauer
    1 Lady Mitchell
    1 Le Vesuve
    1 Lily Marlene
    1 Laguna
    1 Leading Lady
    1 Lady of the Dawn
    1 Lady Elsie May
    1 Lyda
    1 Lady Emma Hamilton
    1 Lunar Mist


    1 Milineux
    1 Midas Touch
    1 Magic Carousel
    1 Mme. Dore
    2 MRS. B.R. CANT
    1 Morden Blush
    1 Madame Isaac Pereire
    1 Musk Rose
    1 Mrs. Oakley Fisher
    1 Mellow Yellow
    1 Macrantha Raubritter
    1 Moonstone
    1 Mary Rose


    1 Nastarana
    1 Nahema
    2 NEW DAWN
    1 Nearly Wild
    1 Nancy Reagan
    1 Nostalgie


    1 Opening Night
    1 Osiana


    1 Prairie Joy
    1 Paradise
    2 PERLE D'OR
    2 PEACE
    1 Penelope
    1 Perfect Moment
    1 Papa Meilland
    1 Pop Warner
    1 Pink Pet


    1 Quietness


    1 Rosetta Delizy
    1 Reve d'Or
    1 Reine des Violets
    1 Robin Hood
    1 Rainbow Niagra
    1 Rose-Marie
    1 Roedean
    1 Remember Me
    1 Rusty


    1 Sheila's Perfume
    1 Secret
    1 Symphony
    1 Splendora
    1 Square Dancer
    1 Stl John's Rose
    1 Sweet Surrender
    1 Sympathie
    1 Sedona
    1 Sundance
    1 Scepter'd Isle
    1 Shropshire Lad
    1 Sir John Betjeman
    1 Scentimental
    1 Stranger
    1 Superstition
    1 Stephen Rulo


    1 The Prince
    1 Tineke
    2 TAMORA
    1 Tournament of Roses
    1 The Mayflower
    1 The Pilgrim
    1 The McCartney Rose
    1 Typhoo Tea
    1 Tiffany Lynn
    1 Traviata
    1 Teasing Georgia




    1 Veteran's Honor
    1 Vendee Imperial


    1 Wild Blue Yonder
    1 Westside Road Cream Tea
    1 William Shakespeare 2000
    1 Wanderin' Wind
    1 Whirlaway
    1 Welcome Home




    1 Yolande D'Aragon



    Any spelling mistakes were because I was typing very quickly and because I believe some of the words were misspelled within the lists. LOL

    The winning roses so far are Tiffany and Souvenir de la Malmaison.

    Carol :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have way more than 12 but these stand out as my best in no particular order:

    1) Chrysler Imperial - Everything a rose should be: fragrant, sensuous and repeats well

    2) Gruss An Aachen - Another smelly, healthy (in Southern California) rose with good repeat

    3) Golden Celebration - Beautiful shade of yellow, wonderful fragrance, good repeat; a little rampant and sprawling but not bad for an Austin

    4) Mutabilis--No fragrance but never stops blooming. Beautiful singles.

    5) Altissimo--Striking red climber with big single blooms and decent repeat

    6)Don Juan--another red smelly mannerly climber with good repeat

    7)La Marne--never stops blooming--great hedge rose

    8)Darlow's Enigma--a touch of the wild in this one; never stops blooming for me and you can smell it 10 feet away. The only rose I have that wafts.

    9) Fabulous--a mannerly floribunda that I find a little more refined and prettier than its parent Iceberg

    10) Little White Pet--Love this dwarf polyantha; tough as nails and always covered with blooms

    OK I didn't quite make it to 12 and believe me I have many others that I like intermittently but these 10 are the keepers

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Abe Darby
    Angel Face
    Double delight
    PJP 2
    Lemon spice
    Teasing Georgia
    Sandra Renaissance
    Cherry Parfait
    Memorial Day
    Bride's Dream

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If I could only have 12 and had to grow them in Phoenix, I'd split them by class first and that would automatically drop out rugosas and most albas.

    HT - Red Intuition, Opening Night (still outta be a GF)
    MiniFlora - Autumn Splendor
    Mini - Trickster
    Floribunda - Scentimental
    Climber - Sombreuil
    Hybrid Perpetual - Baronne Prevost
    Polyantha - Cecile Brunner
    Noisette - Madame Alfred Carriere
    Portland - Rose de Rescht
    Bourbon - Souvenir de la Malmaison
    David Austin English - Molineux

    My dozen would take up a good sized yard, lol.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    These are picked for fragrance, form/color & repeat bloomers

    Double Delight
    Memorial Day
    Easy Does It
    Julie Newmar
    Sharifa Asma
    Chicago Peace

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My Bakers Dozen would be
    1. Daybreaker
    2. Veterans Honor
    3. Moonstone
    4. Gemini
    5. Pride of England
    6. Double Delight
    7. Norma Major
    8. Gold Medal
    9. Solitaire
    10. Lucille Ball
    11. Preference
    12. Heart of Gold
    13. Peace (My 35 year old "new" one"

    My 12 alternate runner-ups--
    Marilyn Monroe
    Memorial Day
    Pop Warner
    Over The Moon
    Louise Estes
    Tahitian Sunset
    Love & Peace
    Shiela's Perfume


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    lol, I moved last year and am in the process of rebuilding the rose garden, here are the immediate MUST haves

    1. Oklahoma- scent, color, my all-time fav
    2 Oregonian (Sight Saver to those outside the States) - huge, produces flowers like mad
    3. Cecil Brunner- Again, a power-house producer
    4. Autumn Damask- can't beat the scent
    5. Gold Glow- alway has been vitually care-free for me
    6. Lavender Pinnochio
    7. Rainforest - both for unique color
    8. Cardinal de Richelieu- 'cause I need my spring flush

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    John Davis
    Louis Jolliet
    Winnipeg Parks
    red Frau Daugmar Hartop
    Stanwell Perpetual
    Red leaf rose/rosa glauca/r. rubrifolia
    William Baffin
    Marie Bugnet
    Snow Pavement
    white double burnet

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow what a hard question, i currently have 88 roses and just place an order for 14 more. I love striped roses,and orange roses and big hardy high centered rebloomers with high petal count, or at least more than 20 petals.These 12 are my favorites.
    rock & roll
    janice kellog
    don juan (red)
    pink travita
    double delight
    black magic
    lady bird johnson
    lover's lane

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    DOUBLE DELIGHT (hybrid tea, 1977) - strawberry vanilla swirl
    EVELYN (english, 1991) - apricot pink blend
    HERITAGE (english, 1984) - shell pink; Rose-Marie is a fabulous ivory sport
    MOLINEUX (english, 1994) - yellow blend
    PAT AUSTIN (english, 1995) - tangerine with a lemony reverse
    PRETTY JESSICA (english, 1983) - lilac blushed rich cherry pink
    REINE DES VIOLETTES (hybrid perpetual, 1860) - magenta turning soft purple
    ROUGE ROYALE (hybrid tea, 2000) - rich ruby red
    SOMBREUIL (large flowered climber, 1880) - ivory white
    SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON (bourbon, 1843) - pale pink
    THE PILGRIM (english, 1991) - white blushed clear canary yellow
    WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 2000 (english) - crimson red

    My top three would be Molineux, Reine des Violettes and Souvenir de la Malmaison.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know how this feels. When we moved 2 years ago I had 106 roses. I had to scale back for a few reasons, one was my health and the other was there was a bed already here at the new house that fits about 12 to 15 roses in it. Since our ground is so hard here in the desert I was not going to try to dig another bed, so I used the one I had, it had a dead palm tree in it that we pulled out and dug out a nice rose bed. My husband has been after me for sometime to scale back because of the surgeries I have been having. So I had to pick which roses I was going to bring from the old house.
    I chose the following, these are the ones I love and are happy with:
    Princess of Wales
    Pope John Paul
    Mr. Lincoln
    Black Magic
    Tahitian Sunset
    Ice Cream
    French Perfume(just for info this one does very good in hot areas)
    Radiant Perfume
    Black Cherry
    Honey Perfume
    St Patrick
    It is not easy to have to pick only 12. I have a few standards but since the rule was pick 12 that is what I did.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've thought about this from time to time. I don't think I could get it down to a dozen but probably two dozen would work. I really like climbers and big shrubs so I'd still need a bit of space.

    I'm going to cheat and not give you a list. I'm still auditioning for the final cast.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you're really serious about forcing me to choose twelve, here they are, but you can count on my sneaking out with a few more.

    Souv de la Malmaison
    Le Vesuve
    Anna Olivier
    Mme Abel Chatenay
    Clotilde Soupert
    Maman Cochet
    Mrs B R Cant
    Gruss an Aachen
    Souv de Francois Gaulain
    Louis Philippe
    Arcadia Louisiana Tea

    The others hidden under my coat: Enchantress, Polonaise & Capitaine Dyel de Graville


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lawrence of Arabia - Wonderful colors, blooms through rain, starts early in the season and goes late, still blooming out there

    Mary Rose - Also does well in rain, started early and has been not stop all season. Am going to get the white version, Winchester Cathedral next season

    Marie Curie - Ruffled, med. fragrance, floribunda - just like her

    Bonica - Fabulous

    Julia Child - licorice smell, wonderful

    Betty Boop - Always blooming, no deadheading.

    Alec's Red - Full gorgeous, fragrant blooms

    Double Delight

    Fourth of July - vigorous amazing rose

    Gosh, couldn't even come up with 12. Am always trying new varieties, 10 plus per year. This was fun!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Out of the 30some roses I've grown, yes, I know, a small amount compared to some of you, there are only a few thus far that I would not want to be without.
    #1 hands down don't want to garden without has to go to: Duchess de Brabant (if heaven has a scent . . .)

    Double Delight
    Black Cherry
    Mrs. Dudley Cross
    Don Juan

    Well, I could only come up with 7. The rest of my roses are okay. Perhaps I need to broaden my horizon some but first I think I need to broaden my flowerbeds.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My taste has changed a little in the last six months, or maybe the roses have. Here are my current favorites:

    Mrs. B.R. Cant
    Aunt Margy's Rose
    Mrs. Dudley Cross
    Le Vesuve
    Julio Iglesias
    Mmr. Dore
    Cottage Rose
    Bishop's Castle
    Mr. Bluebird (I have six(
    Sophy's Rose
    Souvenir de la Malmaison


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    12? 12? E E E K.
    There are more than 200 of them out there. How could I possibly choose. Okay let's see if I can do this from my armchair on a cold rainy day:
    Blue Mist
    Lady Hillington Cli
    Dapple Dawn
    White Wings

    Yikes....that doesn't even touch the surface, but those 12 would keep me in constant roses.....Might have to trade Vielchenblau for something that reblooms if I can only have 12, so....

    Souvenir de St. Anne

    and just thinking about the roses seems to have brought the sun out....

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK, so I already responded to this quite a while back, but since it came up again, just for fun, I want to list the 12 (at the moment) that I am most intrigued with and would like to try but hadn't grown yet. I'm going to list 3 I just bought as little babies, since they haven't grown out yet for me to see them. Here goes:

    Over The Moon
    Vino Rosso/ aka Vino Rossi
    Love and Peace
    Santa Fe (golden yellow florist variety)
    Tahitian Sunset
    Eternal Flame
    Royal William
    Beloved/ aka Cesar Chavez
    Sugar Moon--a fragrant white from Weeks due out in 2012
    Remember Me
    Buxom Beauty/ aka Parole

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Since it came up again... After a year of growing I decided some of the roses just didn't get enough sun in my not-ideal garden, so they moved over to my mother's house where there is a lot more sun and space. I've replaced them with some new bands that I am excited about.

    New list:
    Buff Beauty
    Bishop Darlington
    Golden Buddha
    Abraham Darby
    Jerri Jennings
    Julia Child
    Dream Come True
    Helmut Schmidt
    Gold Medal
    Autumn Sunset Climber

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here is my list of favorites from my garden of about 250. I have several new ones that may join the list soon, but I decided to just list the tried and true. Most are very healthy, bloom a lot and are fragrant.

    ROUGE ROYALE- This Romantica blooms frequently with huge, fragrant, dark red blooms on strong stems. It is a consistent winner of the Decorative Rose class at shows.

    SCENTED MEMORY - This rose is very similar to the above, but is an apricot blend. It has huge scented blooms with an old-fashioned multi-petaled form.

    FIREFIGHTER - To me, this rose should get the Gamble Award for Fragrance. And, in addition to it's wonderful damask fragrance, it has beautiful, velvety dark red blooms. I have two, which in my garden means I love it!

    SPELLBOUND - This coral rose has exquisite form. It doesn't have much scent, but it is really beautiful. I have two of this one, too!

    TAHITIAN SUNSET - This is an amazing rose. It is huge in my garden (on fortuniana rootstock) and has huge yellow blend, scented blooms.

    ELLE - Elle is another constant bloomer with lovely pink blend blooms with a delicious scent. She is a feminine as her name.

    QUIETNESS - Another very feminine rose of a lovely pale pink and great scent. It is very healthy.

    NIMBUS - This mauve blend floribunda is has the loveliest color blooms - hard to describe. It has great scent, too.

    PRETTY LADY - The name says it all! This white and pink floribunda is constantly blooming and seems to be immune to blackspot.

    PASSIONATE KISSES - Another lovely floribunda in constant bloom with big candy pink blooms.

    BLACK CHERRY - This is my favorite floribunda. It truly never seems to stop putting out tons of dark red blooms and is extremly healthy. I have Preference, too, and it is very hard to tell the difference. Black Cherry is a little darker red.

    OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE - Another matchless floribunda that blooms all the time with beautiful pink blooms with nice form. It is very healthy also.

    Whew! That was hard! I love a lot of others that people mentioned but decided to list the ones I really would grow if I could only have twelve. That actually could happen when I grow to old to take care of all the ones I have (That could happen any time!)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So difficult to pick-argh!!! I have a new bed with room for about 15 new roses this Spring. These will be my first to plant in the ground and I am doing my best to modify the horrible clay soil we have. I am partial to David Austin Roses and need help narrowing them down also--- there are so many to love. I lean towards the apricots, yellows, and soft pinks. I have room for two climbers and the rest need to be hedges.

    My favorite regular rose, which is in a container as of right now, is the TRUMPETER. I am surprise it has not been listed thus far. It is an amazing shade of red-orange, that almost burns your eyes off with it's intensity. It blooms constantly and is very disease resistant. I highly recommend her.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ...I'd suffer, but grow more daylilies.

    But my twelve would be:

    Madame Hardy
    Prairie Harvest
    Comte de Chambord (sp?)
    Carefree Beauty
    Hope for Humanity
    Jeanne Lavoie
    Harison's Yellow
    Marie Bugnet
    Rosa eglanteria
    Variegata de Bologna

    Here is a link that might be useful: Garden Musings blog

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm surprised I haven't posted previously. Here goes:

    Ginger Hill, Moonstone, Hot Princess, Black Magic, Gold Medal, Paradise, Sweetness, Over the Moon, Veteran's Honor, Louise Estes, Autumn Splendor, Conundrum