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Another boring post on Austins for no-spray FL garden

12 years ago

I just ordered 4 Austins from Heirloom Roses (half-off sale). So naturally after the horse is out of the barn I'm asking the question. What are your best no-spray DAs? Of course, you can chime in even if you're not in Florida but have a hot, humid, fungus-y garden somewhere else. I've about decided that the fungal diseases don't live around here since the roses I have don't get them much at all - except for the experimental HP/DPs. Just noticed Rose de Rescht is covered with spots. Baronne Prevost & Mme Scipion Cochet are pretty bare. Only Marchesa Boccella looks fairly healthy.

But anyway, I had read that Mary Rose works well in Florida, so I got her. The others I got are Graham Thomas, Hyde Hall and St Swithun. HMF says they are disease resistant or very disease resistant. I already have Bow Bells, growing in 90% shade and probably 6x6 & not yet a year old, which is amazingly green with absolutely no disease and Lilian Austin who only has yellow old leaves, otherwise pretty good.

I ask this question because I may want to add more Austins, maybe even convert the whole garden to Austins. Ha! Had ya going, didn't I? No, really, they're so beautiful, and if I can get healthy ones like the two I have, I could see myself making some additions and subtractions.

FYI, I'm not nearly as impressed with Quietness as I am with the Austins. It's in a lot of shade, too, with just 2 very tall, flimsy canes that rarely bloom only at the top. Dare I say, I'm rethinking Enchantress - not must bloom this year and the little flowers don't give DAs much competition. But, of course, I'm not going nuts about this. If DAs aren't going to have leaves on them, half price or not, they're outta here. I was thinking about putting GH in Red Cascade's spot and let him flow around the mailbox. Don't want to discard Red Cascade, so I'll have to find another place for him. (Yeah, like where, honey?) Niles Cochet is still quite pathetic. He got me excited early in the spring with his first flower ever in 2+ years but none since. He looks like he's been in the ground 6 months - no, not even that good/big. Gen Schablikine won't bloom to save his life which he should really start thinking about. Mr. Shovel is coming.

Time for some crop rotation.


Here is a link that might be useful: If only sweat were irrigation...

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