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Can we keep a running tab of JB populations in one thread?

17 years ago

It seems a lot of you in drought areas have extremely diminished JB populations this year. I'm curious as so how that pans out throughout JB season. I think Ann said that after a decent rain, more hatched. I'm wondering if the entire onslaught has been released or are you still seeing diminished numbers? Also, I'm wondering if people not in drought areas are seeing diminshed popluations as well. Could this simply be a down year in the cycle? Given the numbers of grubs, I can't imagine it is. But ya nevah know.

My area is not considered to be in a "drought" though things have been extremely dry for 2 months. Though towns around us have had a few good soakers, the rain keeps missing my town. Our JBs started hatching a week or 2 early but the numbers are so low that it's very manageable for now. Most people in the 'hood have treated their lawns for grubs so hopefully that will have an impact as well. Based on what I've read here, I think it's the lack of rain that's holding back the massive swarm.

Is anyone seeing infestations like in past years? Whether it be yes or no, what do you consider contributing factors?


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