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Best Roses in Yesterday's ++Heat

Yesterday was insufferably, miserably hot, above 100, with heat radiating off the concrete, boulders and hills around us. The skin on my arms actually began to hurt the one time I ventured out to pour saved water from the sink on one of the roses.

This morning, before the sun was up, I decided to take pictures of the (few) roses that actually still looked decent. In one of the pictures of La France you'll see Lavender Mist (aka Blue Mist) to its left, partially burned from the heat. Le Vesuve, which earlier had no new growth, suddenly decided to be a star and look at it now, in spite of the heat-radiating rocks in front of it. You can see that Souvenir du President Carnot is right next to a very large concrete area and close to heat-bearing boulders and a steep hillside. I'm amazed at how well this rose endured all that, and have decided to order another one. I'm glad I already have a second La France, which I also like for its strong fragrance.

Le Vesuve

Rosette Delizy

Aunt Margy's Rose

Bishop's Castle

La France

La France

Souvenir du President Carnot

Souvenir du President Carnot

Souvenir du President Carnot


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