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Elegy for a Rose (for remembrances)...

15 years ago

I am just thinking of the passing of so many roses from the canker and winter sickness posts, including one of my beloved tree roses. I am hoping there are not too many, who are like myself, who have had to deal with a special rose not making it. Even my Dad had a beloved 24 year orchid die, and our family still reminisces about that wonderful orchid. So sometimes there are special memories wrapped up in those roses... Anyone have special memories of a rose that has passed...?

For agility dogs we say in England that they have gone to rainbow bridge...maybe there is a sunshine bridge for our beloved roses...

I had a little poem I finally finished today and I am sure there are those of you out there who have special memories and wonderful memory photos of those that have been lost.

To my little Gemini tree rose:

So sad for your passing, little tree rose,

You taught me early mornings and gathering nightfall

And watching skies and checking weather.

You taught me to watch for buds and not computer screens

You taught me to come home and not work so late.

When I carried you and your sibling twin in my arms,

From the warmth of my house to the brighter

Outside light of spring, each time I take glory

In every gently budding dappled thing.

When I kept you and your twin,

Side by side, even little Eluane would be circling

Your pots, weaving between them,

She knew your names as rosies, "let's see the rosies".

And together during cold evenings I'd keep the lights on

And how I'd wait eagerly every day hoping and hoping

That somehow, someday soon

You'd feel the first tender unleafing,

The surge of newfound strength and spread of roots,

The sun-joy burst of your own petal blooms.

But weeks of loving but all too inexperienced care,

Your tender roots were all too frail

Until the final winter sickness overcame

Though you never awakened little tree,

For your namesake and the gardener friends

I have made along the way, it was you

Who allowed me so much in the gift of learning.

As I ask my gardener friends how to do better, to keep life living

Now see the rosies, see the rosies...

Your sibling twin keeps on for you and is flourishing.

Thank you, little rose tree and to each special rose

That brings us that gift of cherished being.

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