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Double Time Hybrid Tea help (with photo)

11 years ago

Hi, guys! I bought this rose and planted it in my new front bed. (Please excuse the messy bed, it's not ready yet and I had that old dyed black scott's mulch from a couple of years ago before I read the post here and am getting rid of it for some natural stuff soon)


It had two blossoms (?) on it when I planted it last week and now they bloomed but are two totally different colors and neither looks like the photo on the box they were in.


I did some googling on Double Time Hybrid Tea and can't find any information on them anywhere even at the nursery site that they came from. Any ideas? The one is a brighter pink with a softer pink inside (so almost like the photo on the case but not quite the right colors) and the other bloom is a very pretty lavender color, beautiful! Both are growing from the newer part, not the rootstock.


Would love to hear what you think about this one!

Thanks :)


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