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DIY pvc drip irrigation system

Hello fellow gardeners. ;-)

Been adding onto our organic vegetable garden since it's inception in spring of 2010 after starting compost bins 5 years prior. We love our organic veggies and have been preserving them through the winter with great success by par-boiling, vacuum-bagging and freezing the produce. We especially savor sauce tomatoes - which provide us with freshly made sauce tomatoes all year long, elliminating the need to purchase canned (processed) tomatoes, and various mixed veggies we use in recipies throughout the 4 seasons of each year.

This upcoming season I have planned to add a drip irrigation system to the garden. I've concluded that hose watering may be contributing to the spread of soil borne diseases that create early and late blight to our tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables. Therefore, the idea of a soil level drip irrigation system is appealing - for a variety of reasons, too lengthy to describe for this post.

I have researched all the proprietary drip systems and have concluded that they all have problems with clogging and emmitter failures. The original Utah pvc home-built system, which has gained popularity on the internet and has been interpreted countless times, intrigues me. For those uninitiated to this concept, basically the system elliminates the need for problematic emmitters in the delivery piping, in place of holes drilled directly into the pvc pipe at designated inervals.

So, I've designed/adapted this design to fit my requirements - conceptually, at least, and would like to hear critiques from the seasoned irrrigation gardeners who have 'been there, done that'. All comments will be welcomed with my appropriate response . . . being the newbie gardener (with great success, I might add).

Essentially, I've already aquired a dozen 3/4' pvc ball valves and a water timer, plan on purchasing all 3/4' pvc pipe for supply lines, with 1/2' reducers to feed the beds. There will be a inline filter from the town water supply bibb, a GardenSmith 770151 Electronic Manual Water Timer and underground piping leading to a riser at the garden.

I grow select plants indoors under lights each year and move them outdoors to my coldframe before transplanting to the conditioned beds. The seeds willl bbe planted in about 2 weeks, piping planned to be installed before May - in south coastal Rhode Island.

So, with the attached link to images of last years crop, and some screen-shots of a 3D model I generated of my proposed PVC system, please ask questions and offer recommendations, if you so desire.

Thanks, and best, Steve

Here is a link that might be useful: Garden images

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