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Rain Barrel and PVC Irrigation System Completed

14 years ago

Hello all,

Just wanted to give you my website that shows a video that I made today.

I worked outside all day today working on the PVC irrigation system. The rain barrel system I've had finished for a while - it is 6 55-gallon drums that are connected in series by using a 2" PVC pipe underneath. It holds a total of 330 gallons of water - which fills up with about an inch of rain from our 24x24 foot garage.

I then have a "main line" made of 3/4-inch PVC pipe that runs around 110 feet from the barrels all the way to the garden beds in the front yard - with a T-connector in the line for the beds behind the house.

The video goes over everthing for the rain barrel and PVC irrigation system - and it works very well!

Here is a link that might be useful: BsnTech Garden Blog

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