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Another rain barrel irrigation question

19 years ago

I've read the questions and answers to those questions on pumps etc for your hose to get water out of rain barrels. Most of the answers were far too complex for me, I'm wondering if there is a simple solution.

1. I want to pump water from my rain barrel to all areas of my yard (1 acre mostly flat). I will have 3 60 gallon barrels hooked together. I want to run a garden hose up to about 200 feet for watering plants. is there a simple, cheap electric pump I can use for this?

2. If number 1 works out well I'd like to consider expanding my system to include more storage and I'd like to hook it up to my lawn sprinkler system. It is a simple 7 zone residential system. Is there a pump that would supply the correct gpm/psi to run a single zone at a time? I don't want to spend too much money on this but would consider a couple hundred if it worked well so maybe only number 1 is an option for now.

Is there a simple solution for the DIY homeowner?

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