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Donnie Darko Monster Rabbit has destroyed my Lincoln...

14 years ago

Guys, I woke up yesterday to a horrible sight... I am a Generation-Xer and one of our favorite type of cult classic movies was Donnie Darko with a very sinister-looking masked rabbit, LOL! ... Well, this Donnie Darko's Rabbit Monster must be one fat humongous monster rabbit because it ate up two thirds!!!!! of one of my poor Lincoln in one night...I am thinking that the furry long-eared, bushy-tailed demon must have been storing up its food in preparation for the upcoming stormy rain weather and chose my poor Lincoln for its feasting pot. Why couldn't it have snacked on my zillions of gladiolus leaves or taken a nibble here and there of my lavenders. But noooooo, one beautiful bud will not become a long-stemmed rose but a long-stemmed stalk!!! (no leaves just one nearly 2' long stem with an isolated beautiful bud on it). All 1' stems have vanished and I have just one left (with the upper 1/3 leaves remaining)

And I did! build a wire fence around my lot, but stupid me should have been more careful about the hole deep beneath my patio... Well, needless to say that hole is now sealed up bwahahaha! Man, I can understand maybe a few nibbles but not this!!! and all in a fortnight!while me and my Eluane (border collie) were fast asleep at home. Grrrrr! I'd gladly trade a few rose slugs, midge compared to this complete overnight devastation. GRRRRRRR! so for those of you who are going crazy over bugs, don't forget to protect your precious roses from Donnie Darko Rabbit monster!

P.S. as soon as I get my computer fixed I will post the photos so that you all can see the horror of it all...

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